jeroenouw / liftr-tscov

Check the type coverage of any TypeScript project with this easy npm package
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Question: Is it possible to count code in *.js files as untyped? #8

Open matt-oakes opened 5 years ago

matt-oakes commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the great tool!

I'm currently in the process of converting a project from untyped Javascript to TypeScript. I would like to use tscov to track my progress.

My process is to slowly convert sections of the project from js files to ts and tsx files and fix errors as I go along. The project is big enough that I don't want to convert all files to ts at once and deal with type issues across it all at once.

Currently, tscov is great for checking that I have good coverage in the files I have converted (97%!), but it doesn't show me my overall progress towards converting my js files.

My idea is that there could be a flag which will change the behaviour to scan js files and report them as untyped. This will lower the overall percentage, but give a much more accurate picture of how far I have to go.

My question:

jeroenouw commented 5 years ago

Thanks! @matt-oakes. An easy way would be by changing your .js extension to .ts. So tscov will notice these files... js to ts would be no problem I think.

matt-oakes commented 5 years ago

The issue with that method is that I don't actually want type checking on those files yet as I want to convert the app piece by piece over time, rather than in one go.