jeroenpardon / skin.grid

Grid, a UI for Kodi. By using this code you agree with the license terms as included.
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[WIP] ExtraPoster support #138

Open RealJohnGalt opened 7 years ago

RealJohnGalt commented 7 years ago

If this is something you're interested in merging, I can clean this up and add support for other viewtypes.

For info, see marcelveldt/script.module.metadatautils#15 and marcelveldt/

Here's an example of it in use on another skin, but works the same here:

jeroenpardon commented 6 years ago

At the moment I have no plans to add new features as I am focusing on an official release.

Apart from that I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. Being honest, apart from increasingly relying on dependencies I guess I just wonder if there aren't enough artwork types around already. I view posters (and all other types of artwork for that matter) as ways of identifying a movie. I don't really pause when browsing a movie and watch a sequence of images go by before I go on to the next movie. Let alone, it being a factor in making a decision about what to watch.

RealJohnGalt commented 6 years ago

I agree with you about this. Since I pushed this, I ended up limiting this to DialogVideoInfo where it makes the most sense IMO. In my setup, the first image is always the main poster. It doesn't help me decide on what to watch at all.

Many new movies are released with additional character art as posters (see linked out of order screenshots), which is what I use this for.

Additionally I think in this skin if you were to introduce extrafanart, DialogVideoInfo would be the only place for it (though alternating minimal visibility artwork always seemed silly to me).

jeroenpardon commented 6 years ago

Agreed on the alternaring minimal visibility artwork. It's why I made the gallery function in the video info dialog, so that this artwork could still have a place and actually be visible. Actually I have been thinking about extending that by adding some other bits like more info about the movie. Info that isn't necessarily important enough to have in the main window. It's a shame Skin Helper Service doesn't provide a lot of info (Rotten Tomatoes for example) anymore because of bandwith usage complaints by the services. Because it could be a nice place to add movie reviews to for example. Maybe this would be a nice place for extraposters too. You can choose to show the posters seperately / all at once, correct? So maybe reserve the first "slide" in the gallery for a grid of all the posters, if you know what I mean.

RealJohnGalt commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the very late response, but I'll look into doing this.