jeroenpardon / skin.grid

Grid, a UI for Kodi. By using this code you agree with the license terms as included.
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Beta testing - Discussion #2

Closed jeroenpardon closed 7 years ago

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Please use this space for discussion, questions, etc.

FrissonReynald commented 7 years ago

I did the test: It's perfect. Thanks Jeroen

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

First bunch of fixes have been pushed to Git. The back to main menu focus issue isn't fixed. I think it may be a skin shortcuts problem, looking into it.

I recommend resetting your skin settings and rebooting after installing the update

FrissonReynald commented 7 years ago

Hello Jeroen, the new update is amazing. I do not encounter any specific and new bug to this day. On the other hand, would it be possible to have an option to deactivate all the information watchlist ( watch /unwatch ) at by section (Tv and Movies)? I'm not a fan of the unwatch on movies. If you do not want to, this is not a problem at the moment. Could be added on a public release. thx Cheers

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

@FrissonReynald yeah, possibly. But indeed not likely before public release or beta 2.

On that subject: I have two beta releases in mind, both of which will be private releases. I will of course keep updating in between these releases, but to me it's important to work towards a more or less fictional milestone release. I want to keep focus on the first of those beta releases currently.

That means no feature requests for Beta 1. Don't get me wrong, you all have sent in some great feature requests and the skin is better because of them. But I need to focus on stability at the moment. You can still send them in, just know they will not be added at this time.

On the "Projects" tab you can see the issues / requests planned for Beta 1 and 2 if you're interested. If any of you are familiar with Trello, this will look familiar.

Oh, and I just did a blind fix for the back to home menu issue. I am not able to test it out at the moment, if anybody is able to check, that would be great, If not, I will do so later.

Slurrrp commented 7 years ago

@jeroenpardon on some menu items it works on others it doesn't.. :s I can't really see a pattern in the behavior now. The delay is also a bit weird, but better than losing focus.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

thanks @Slurrrp the pattern is likely dependant on whether or not the main menu has a submenu or not. This would have been the easiest way to fix it. looks like I'm going to try another method :)

Slurrrp commented 7 years ago

@jeroenpardon all of my main menu items have submenus. I think you have to see for yourself, it's strange.

KOKONUTCREME commented 7 years ago

Hi Jeroen

Pressing back button or escape key to return to home menu from sub menus is working for me - I'm returned to the home menu item for the specific sub-menu selected and the sub-menu view is collapsed.

KOKONUTCREME commented 7 years ago

Personal preference - I'm not a fan of the movie rating overlay only because combined with the watch status symbol I find the view distracting/busy. Perhaps consider an option to display one or neither.

From Info panel when you access "More" and select 'Similar Movies' to display the extended info script items, pressing the back button first time doesn't return you anywhere - you're still in the current window, pressing back button for a second time returns you to the extended info source page for TheMovieDB and TRAKT, pressing back button a third time returns you to the home menu for Movies.

When I select 'More' by the director and display extended info script items, pressing the back button returns me to the previous window.

When I select 'More' by writer ....... I experience the same behaviour as selecting Similar Movies

When I select 'More' from the movie studio it opens the Video Source window, pressing the back button returns me to the home menu for Movies

When I select 'Extended info' the script is activated, pressing the back button returns me to the previous window.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Personal preference - I'm not a fan of the movie rating overlay only because combined with the watch status symbol I find the view distracting/busy. Perhaps consider an option to display one or neither.

The overlays are already optional.

From Info panel when you access "More" and select 'Similar Movies' to display the extended info script items, pressing the back button first time doesn't return you anywhere - you're still in the current window, pressing back button for a second time returns you to the extended info source page for TheMovieDB and TRAKT, pressing back button a third time returns you to the home menu for Movies.

It's weird that pressing back the first time doesn't do anything, I will look into that. As for what location you return to, this is not something I am able to change. Once you enter the extended info plugin, the movie info window is closed and not kept in the window history. I know it's not ideal, but I can't change it.

When I select 'More' by the director and display extended info script items, pressing the back button returns me to the previous window. When I select 'More' by writer ....... I experience the same behaviour as selecting Similar Movies

This is because More by the director is not related to extendedinfo, and More by the writer is.

When I select 'More' from the movie studio it opens the Video Source window, pressing the back button returns me to the home menu for Movies

It goes up in the extended info plugin hierarchy for me

When I select 'Extended info' the script is activated, pressing the back button returns me to the previous window.

This is because you are opening the extendedinfo script window now on top of everything else, which is totally separate from the skin. In the case of the director and similar movies functionality I pass the paths provided by extended info to a regular Kodi library window.

The only way to deal with this is to create a custom window specifically for extended info and apply pretty hacky code to pass the information to it from the movie info dialog. And then I have to add everything you see in normal library windows to that custom window (the viewtypes, the artwork, the scrollbars, etc.)

Long story short: it's a lot of work and code duplication for just one add-on. I might to do it at some point but not now.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Pressing back button or escape key to return to home menu from sub menus is working for me - I'm returned to the home menu item for the specific sub-menu selected and the sub-menu view is collapsed.

Yeah, it does but the collapsing upon returning to the home menu is unfortunate. There is another way which will make this a fraction quicker but it will still be noticeable. I'm afraid there is no way to get rid of it without having the focus issue.

So, I am probably going to make the auto collapsing optional.

KOKONUTCREME commented 7 years ago


Understand those 'More' options aren't a priority for beta releases. I don't use them a lot myself and just wanted to report my findings to make you aware.

I didn't realise the sub-menu collapsing wasn't by design as I like it. Didn't realise the overlays were already optional - my bad.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Understand those 'More' options aren't a priority for beta releases. I don't use them a lot myself and just wanted to report my findings to make you aware.

Sure, and I am glad you did :) Just trying to actually motivate my answer instead of just rejecting

I didn't realise the sub-menu collapsing wasn't by design as I like it. Didn't realise the overlays were already optional - my bad.

Well, the collapsing itself is by design. However, I intended the submenu to collapse when you select something and thus leave the home menu. Which it did, but in some situations the focused main menu item would then not be the one you left from before.

So, now I let the submenu collapse when you actually return to home, instead of when you leave. And that causes the short but visible delay we have now.

FrissonReynald commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to have a scrolling on the file path (article information window.)

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Welcome to the beta testing team @kolabor :)

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

@FrissonReynald sure, noted

Ostrymiecz commented 7 years ago

Welcome @jeroenpardon and the rest of test team 😄

FrissonReynald commented 7 years ago

Hello Jeroen, know that I always doing there to test the new depots, but I do not intervene because I do not find a new bug that has not already been said and is in not correction on your part. Thank you for your work .

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

@FrissonReynald Thanks for the update, I know you put effort into the testing 👍

@ everyone: The upcoming week is going to be quiet from my end, I will be away starting wednesday night and I will not be able to do any work on the skin. The hours I do have available until then I want to concentrate on improving some things on the widgets, mostly "under the hood" stuff, but some functional enhancements too. So I will not be around here much, and not working on any other things.

Of course do report any new bugs you find as I will surely look into them later. This also means we will not be finishing beta 2 within 2 weeks but that's ok afaic.

Take care and talk to you in a week or so :)

Slurrrp commented 7 years ago

@jeroenpardon i have some real small stuff left, nothing big. With vertical stream, could the long titles be cut off a bit sooner? But of course it can also be fixed by not using long titles :P (Which you normally do, so yeah, a non issue really)

And probably not an easy fix and also something really minor is the library update info/toast notification on the vertical minimal home screen not being aligned with time etc. I don't even want to open a new issue for it.

Will dig a bit deeper in the kodi settings later, mostly been testing my pretty standard daily usage of the skin. Surely before beta 2 ;)

Have fun in France!

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Thx @Slurrrp :)

I'll look into the cutting, the second issue should be fixed with the latest update... I think :)

@ everyone: let's continue discussion here: #79