jeroenpardon / skin.grid

Grid, a UI for Kodi. By using this code you agree with the license terms as included.
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Poster ratios and transparency issues #86

Closed lstar337 closed 7 years ago

lstar337 commented 7 years ago

I know I'm late to the game here but I thought I might just add a couple of thoughts.

  1. Poster ratios are a little odd for me. I have well over 1500 movies in my library, and it wouldn't be exaggerating to say that most have the titles cropped off in some way or another due to the odd ratios. I also create and use my own frames for posters of movie sets which now look awful because of the cropping.

  2. The transparency applied all throughout the skin seems too high for me. Text and detail is completely lost against a background which is either too 'busy' or too light or dark. Will there be a setting for the transparency level in the skin? Don't get me wrong I love see fanart in backgrounds, but I much prefer the far more subtle implementation in ReFocus.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Hey, thanks for the feedback :)

Poster ratios Tell me about it... One of the things I have left on my to-do list is to go through all the views and tweak them to be a bit better. There's just two problems I cannot do anything about:

  1. Posters from different scrapers (and I think sometimes even artwork from the same scraper, not too mention people also using local artwork) use various dimensions and aspect ratios. Setting the images to always stay true to their aspectratio in the skin will result in a messy view with posters sticking out and lacking any uniformity. Lack of a strictly enforced default set of dimensions is the problem here.

  2. Kodi's image scaling is absolute, utter junk. There's not enough words just to describe how bad it is. Ask any skinner and he will agree with me on this :( It baffles me that in the over 10 years I have been skinning hardly anything has been done about it. I guess that's one of the downsides of open source software. If noone is motivated to fix or improve something, it just will not happen.

You can take a poster image from TMDB that is 1000*1500 pixels and use those exact same dimensions in the skin and it will be completely off when setting the aspect ratio to scale. Even though setting the aspect ratio to scale when using the exact original dimensions should result in a 1:1 display, it will not... Trying to improve this literally entails increasing pixel width or height a couple by a couple and checking how it will turn out in the skin.

Rant over :) In any case, I do think improvements can and will be made, but as long as Kodi doesn't improve the image scaling this will never be perfect and some cutting will continue to exist.

Transparency You already can :) Go into skin settings -> Look and feel -> Colours -> Background color (or something like that, not at home atm) -> Change the opacity on the right.

lstar337 commented 7 years ago

Ah, I will look for the transparency setting on my Pi3 when I get home. Sadly, my Pi3 still isn't playing ball so it may get scrapped. :(

On the posters, is this a Krypton issue? I only ask because I don't notice any issues on ReFocus. Incidentally, a colleague of mine also has this issue with a skin he is using and the skinner told him almost word for word the same as you have told me.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Nah, the posters thing has been an issue for as long as I can remember. Maybe you don't see it on reFocus because it was just tweaked to a better average so to speak but I guarantee you some degree of cropping happens there too.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

So I put in some corrections in list view, slide and posters view and the movie/tvshow information window. It should look better now. Slide view was the worst, while posters view was pretty close already, but I tweaked it a bit. Let me know how that works out for you

lstar337 commented 7 years ago

Just had a look and the posters look near perfect in all views now Jeroen.

jeroenpardon commented 7 years ago

Good to hear, cheers!