jeroenpeeters / docker-ssh

SSH Server for Docker containers ~ Because every container should be accessible
GNU General Public License v2.0
645 stars 90 forks source link

RPI build #14

Open lavvy opened 8 years ago

lavvy commented 8 years ago

hello i tried to build an arm docker container of this project but failed. please can you make a Dockerfile.armhf for it. i think it nice to have for raspberry pi. it appears light and sleek

jeroenpeeters commented 8 years ago

Sorry, but I have no experience with Docker on ARM architecture. Can you please send me what you tried. Maybe I can make it work.

lavvy commented 8 years ago

FROM gliderlabs/alpine

FROM hypriot/rpi-alpine-scratch WORKDIR /src ADD . .

RUN apk --update add python make g++ nodejs \ && npm install \ && apk del make gcc g++ python \ && rm -rf /tmp/* /var/cache/apk/* /root/.npm /root/.node-gyp

make coffee executable

RUN chmod +x ./node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee

Connect to container with name/id


Shell to use inside the container


Server key

ENV KEYPATH=./id_rsa

Server port


Enable web terminal




EXPOSE 22 8022

CMD ["npm", "start"]

It's still the same process just that you will have to change the base os to an arm os and build it on an arm platform like rpi or scaleway.

lavvy commented 8 years ago

It gets error while installing the apk apps. Maybe it didn't find some of its arm compatible apps. I believe if it's apt-get, it would get most of its required armhf equivalent apps. I don't know much of alpine