jeroenterheerdt / HAsmartirrigation

Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant
MIT License
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[REQ] Bucket and Duration values should persist across a reboot. #312

Closed Dave-Bryant closed 6 months ago

Dave-Bryant commented 6 months ago

With HA you need to reboot regularly with updates. When this occurs, I lose my bucket and duration which I need for an app daemon that controls my irrigation.
Version 1 persisted across reboots.

jeroenterheerdt commented 6 months ago

I am not seeing this. It's persisted for me. Please open an issue and provide the diagnostic file required, so we can investigate.

Dave-Bryant commented 6 months ago

I just did a HA update and noticed that the app calls a bucket reset when I restart. Here are the log entries during startup>

2023-11-05 14:23:33.434 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Start irrigation event smart_irrigation_start_irrigation_all_zones will fire at 1786 seconds before sunrise 2023-11-05 14:23:33.577 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Scheduled auto calculate for 23:00 2023-11-05 14:23:33.577 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Scheduled auto clear of weatherdata for 23:59 2023-11-05 14:23:33.630 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Scheduled auto update time interval for each 0:15:00 2023-11-05 14:23:33.697 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Updating weather data for all automatic zones 2023-11-05 14:25:49.533 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Reset all buckets service called 2023-11-05 14:25:49.547 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.smart_irrigation] Start irrigation event smart_irrigation_start_irrigation_all_zones will fire at 886 seconds before sunrise

jeroenterheerdt commented 6 months ago

Thats interesting, but I am quite certain this doesn't come from the integration itself. Please check you have no automations or scripts calling this service. Also, please open an issue as I said so we can collect the diagnostics file.