jeroenterheerdt / HAsmartirrigation

Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Set coordinates for OpenWeatherMap data manually #351

Open jeroenterheerdt opened 3 weeks ago

jeroenterheerdt commented 3 weeks ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **maehmann** April 13, 2024 Hey, I'm trying to set up your great looking integration for my situation. This is where it get's a bit tricky. I have two locations separated by 70km that run on one HA installation being linked through a VPN. So my Raspi sits in location A but I want to setup the irrigation system for location B which is not configure as the main location in HA obviously. On location B I do not have a precipitation sensor. Only temp, pressure, humidity, due point. If I understand correctly then all info missing from the sensors will be taken from OpenWeatherMap depending on the set coordinates in HA. Is this correct? And if so, is there a way to set a new location manually somehow (by coordinates or by a defined zone in HA)? Thank you for your hard work and in advance for your reply! Christoph