Closed matthias77 closed 5 years ago
@matthias77 I would like to help you, because in the past i did it. But where is the code with ar.js? You posted only that with aframe-ar.js...
thanks for the fast reply. I simply used the basic example from here: and replaced the patt file with the one (pattern-marker.patt) from the demo above. I tested with different markers, all my image-marker tests runs with the aframe version und not with the ar.js one. I would say in the last part of aframe-ar.js is something, that proccesses the marker different.
Thank you!! Matthias
Won't works in this way, The reason is that you must specify in this case the patternRatio, you can do this with the THREEx.ArToolkitProfile
// handle arToolkitSource
var artoolkitProfile = new THREEx.ArToolkitProfile();
var arToolkitSource = new THREEx.ArToolkitSource({
// to read from the webcam
sourceType : 'webcam',
arToolkitSource.init(function onReady(){
// handle resize
window.addEventListener('resize', function(){
function onResize(){
if( arToolkitContext.arController !== null ){
// initialize arToolkitContext
// set patternRatio
artoolkitProfile.contextParameters.patternRatio = 0.9
//artoolkitProfile.contextParameters.cameraParametersUrl = THREEx.ArToolkitContext.baseURL + '../resources/data/camera_para.dat'
artoolkitProfile.contextParameters.cameraParametersUrl = '../../resources/data/camera_para.dat'
artoolkitProfile.contextParameters.detectionMode = 'mono'
var arToolkitContext = new THREEx.ArToolkitContext(artoolkitProfile.contextParameters)
// initialize it
arToolkitContext.init(function onCompleted(){
// copy projection matrix to camera
camera.projectionMatrix.copy( arToolkitContext.getProjectionMatrix() );
// update artoolkit on every frame
if( arToolkitSource.ready === false ) return
arToolkitContext.update( arToolkitSource.domElement )
// update scene.visible if the marker is seen
scene.visible = camera.visible
/// after set the marker Control routine ArMarkerControls()...
i think it should be an old issue about this.
@matthias77 I can do a simple example if you want.
Hello kalwalt,
I hacked your code inside and pasted around and now it works with my image marker. As you said, the patternRatio (artoolkitProfile.contextParameters.patternRatio = 0.9) is the relevant point. And now I recognize this value in the marker generator, I'm blind. You saved me hours (or days) of testing around. I will post my sample when I've finished for others.
Thank you, Matthias
@matthias77 glad that you solved! Be aware that in certain circumstances, colored markers may not works. You should create for better performances a high contrast image. A yellow shape with a white background probably it will be diffcult to be recognized...
You saved me hours (or days) of testing around
I will post my sample when I've finished for others.
thanks for this!
Hi, I found an example working with aframe-ar.js. I tested it with an image (normal marker creation but with an colored image) and voila - it works nice. I tried to reproduce it with ar.js and three.js (basic example) and it won't working, don't know why. I think this must be an configuration or something like this. I hope someone can explain that to me. I'm impressed how fast and stable ar.js works, but I really think the usage of nearly "normal" images improves the capabilities and make it much more sexy and would be a real alternative to markerless AR.
Many thanks, matthias