jeromeetienne / better.js

a better javascript in javascript
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typescript dom defintion could HELP debug the web #77

Closed jeromeetienne closed 10 years ago

jeromeetienne commented 10 years ago

and help the whole web to debug their application

jeromeetienne commented 10 years ago for the parser

needs some work to be updated according to the author

jeromeetienne commented 10 years ago

@sinclairzx81 willing to play ? :)

the game is would be to generate all those type definitions in better.js format thus to have those check for the js world too

jeromeetienne commented 10 years ago
[05:23am] jetienne: in my case, i would case to be able to parse those long definition files and extract the data in a easy to use way
[05:24am] jetienne: something like 'this function receive this kind of type as arguments"
[05:24am] jetienne: "and return this kind of type"
[05:24am] sinclair|work: jetienne: what you probably want to do is have a go hacking the TS compiler
[05:24am] sinclair|work: its not as difficult as it sounds, (tho it is undocumented)
[05:24am] jetienne: i just want a converter of their definition files 
[05:25am] sinclair|work: jetienne: yup, can get all that information from the compiler
[05:25am] jetienne: like lib.d.ts converted to json 
[05:25am] jetienne: i was hoping somebody else did it for me 
[05:25am] sinclair|work: jetienne: if you are used to esprima, the ts AST is similar (but quite a bit more complex),
[05:25am] sinclair|work: but still workable
[05:26am] jetienne: ok
[05:26am] sinclair|work: so, you compile source -> generate AST -> Scan AST
[05:26am] sinclair|work: the tsc command line thing Compiles -> AST -> Emits to Disk
[05:26am] jetienne: sinclair|work: but still you felt like you needed to write a helper library on top… so i isn't that easy 
[05:27am] sinclair|work: jetienne: well, its complicated in the regard i had to learn all the things of the language to understand what the AST was telling me

note on the last sentence: this is a lot of time

jeromeetienne commented 10 years ago

closed. for IDL which is more standard