jeromeetienne / jquery-qrcode

qrcode generation standalone (doesn't depend on external services)
MIT License
4.85k stars 2.5k forks source link

Problems with IE8 and IE7 #28

Open mtermes opened 12 years ago

mtermes commented 12 years ago

I’m trying generate a QR code with this text "http://www.demo.php?action=Connect&ids=12874563765678987654567898765456&cry_protocols=86958690569&cryk=&uuuuuu=8796879687968796879687968796879687&ppppp=8796879687968796879687968796879687&ccc=8796879687968796879687968796879687” but in IE8 appear this error “There are a problems with a script in this web”. I’m put or doing anything wrong???

Because if put less than 105 characters works well in IE8.

Thanks and best regards.

jeromeetienne commented 12 years ago

i dunno i dont use ie8 nor i got one available