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Announcement post- one threex a day gets you game on its way! #5

Open AndraConnect opened 10 years ago

AndraConnect commented 10 years ago

One Threex A Day Gets Your Game On Its Way!

Hello everybody!

I’m working on a new project that I want to share with you. But first, let me start by telling you what inspired me to do it.


Last week, I read an interesting article written by John Resig called Write code everyday. He explains how he succeed in efficiently accomplishing his side projects. This article opened my eyes. It was like a revelation, a procedure that I just had to apply to my own work. An answer to the questions I had been asking myself: How could I be more efficient? How could I be more disciplined and improve my execution?

The tactic that Resig decided to practice to improve his productivity was quite simple: He tried working on his side projects a little everyday, for a delimited amount of time, and it worked! He didn’t feel like a failure when he didn't do enough "quality" work during the weekend anymore! He found a way to organize his schedule, do his work, while still devoting time to leisure activities. I find this amazingly intelligent!

Resig’s work inspired me. So, I wanna try to do something similar: I want to publish a three.js game extension every day! Yes I know, it’s a challenge! But I wanna see if Resig’s tactic helps me gain more discipline when publishing my code. The idea is to publish one every day of the week, from Monday to Friday, one per day for two months, except on the weekends, because well, one has to rest at some point :)

Ok, so you already know that I love three.js, a javascript 3D library that makes Webgl. Three.js is the new up and coming technology, it’s hot, cutting-edge, and it has been deployed worldwide. Well, now I would really love to help you write your own games with it! I think the best way to do this is by publishing one three.js game extension per day. I have an enormous amount of information, and code, to share with you. I just have to get it out there for you to see!

Three.js Game extensions will make the dream of developing your own 3d video game come true. My moto is “A threex per day, gets your game on it’s way!” I’ve got over 43+ cool extensions that could be used to facilitate the development of 3D games on the web. And I wanna share this knowledge with the world!

Most of the three.js game extensions that I will publish support require.js and it would be very easy to add them to your own game. With these extensions you can actually learn to code 3D mini-games in less than an hour, like Flying Spaceships or to create more detailed video games with a lot of cool post-processing effects, like Stellar7. Just to give you an idea, I coded Stellar7 in only 2 weeks thanks to threex extensions! That's a record :)

The three.js game extensions will teach you real skills and tools to help you develop cool stuff on 3D. The best part is that you can reproduce everything you learn cause it’s all open source and available to anyone!

The Three.Js Games mission is to ignite the spark of genius creativity that every developer has.

I hope you enjoy it :)

That’s all folks!

AndraConnect commented 10 years ago
AndraConnect commented 10 years ago
AndraConnect commented 10 years ago
AndraConnect commented 10 years ago
AndraConnect commented 10 years ago

@jeromeetienne close this one. I put in on issues.

AndraConnect commented 10 years ago

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