jeromegn / slang

Slim-inspired templating language for Crystal
MIT License
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Crystal blocks in slang #21

Closed elorest closed 7 years ago

elorest commented 7 years ago

def form_for do |str|
  str << "<form>"
  str << yield
  str << "</form>

Theoretically this should work.

  == form_for do |f|
    input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="EFnnkNC/rFDHQclQemvVVEzi1WVMMbItMUQBk6apbE"
    input type="submit"

If whoever wrote the code evaling code in the first place could work on this that would be amazing. If not I'll take a stab at it in a couple weeks. I'm in the middle of writing form helpers for the Amber framework right now.

jeromegn commented 7 years ago

Good point.

Should also work without the double == if we keep following how slim does it.

jeromegn commented 7 years ago

@elorest I believe I have made this workable.

If you look at this branch comparison, it should work as expected:

Let me know if this seems to fulfill the requirement. If so, I'll merge in master, probably bump with a minor version.

elorest commented 7 years ago

Looks good. Also check out my Crystal Release helper for versioning and tagging.

jeromegn commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I did try CRelease. Worked well!

1.6.0 is now released with this fixed.