Closed aspiers closed 4 years ago
Hi @aspiers, did you enable the preview features "Repository refresh" and/or "Design updates" (or others)?
No I don't think so - in fact, I don't see those settings; where are they?
I'll have a look at why it's broken later. Any other extension that might be important (Refined GitHub for example)?
I tried disabling all other userscripts and GitHub extensions, and still saw the problem. Enabling the preview features didn't change it either.
@aspiers Sorry it took so long to fix. New version released.
Amazing, thanks!
After clicking the "Reply to this comment" button, the comment textarea field populates correctly, but the big green "Comment" submission button beneath it remains greyed out, so it's impossible to submit the comment. This seems like a fundamental breakage of the functionality of this userscript.
A workaround is
Control+A Control+X Control+V
to cut and re-paste the whole text, but this is pretty annoying.