jerosoler / Drawflow

Simple flow library 🖥️🖱️
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Error during import #58

Closed cage81 closed 3 years ago

cage81 commented 3 years ago

Hi Jero, I'm trying to import drawflow data i saved in current storage (Vuex) but I'm getting this error (screenshot attached):

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'options' of undefined

Screenshot 2020-10-26 at 18 23 31

If it could be useful, I'm not using options during nodes creation (I tried to set it to empty object or null, but it gave me same error). Any help? Could it be e bug?

jerosoler commented 3 years ago



Can vuex transform the object?


var exportvalue = null;
exportvalue = editor.export();

This gives you an error?

Can you show the values of vuex and editor.export() in console, are they the same?

cage81 commented 3 years ago

Can vuex transform the object?


var exportvalue = null;
exportvalue = editor.export();

Can you show the values of vuex and editor.export() in console, are they the same?

jerosoler commented 3 years ago

The only thing that occurs to me seeing that the word is marked is "options".

Are the nodes registered?

How are you registering the nodes?

What does the following code show you before importing?

cage81 commented 3 years ago

Are the nodes registered?

How are you registering the nodes?

const options = null;
props = { title: 'Node title', nodeText: 'Write here...', nodeHasInput: true, canHaveInput: canHaveInput, canHaveOutput: canHaveOutput };
this.editor.registerNode('GenericNode', GenericNode, props, options);

What does the following code show you before importing?

jerosoler commented 3 years ago

You have to register the nodes before importing.

When importing it does not find the GenericNode node

cage81 commented 3 years ago

You have to register the nodes before importing.

When importing it does not find the GenericNode node

Ok, registering the GenericNode before import it works. It was a my mistake, I think it's not clear in the Export/Import section...but you are very helpful: thanks!

As you can see, my node is called "generic" because I can have three node types: start node (can have outputs and content, but not inputs), intermediate nodes (with an input, content and outputs) and an end node (with only one input), it depends on the button's type user clicks (and content can be of two types). Obviously, to use my customized bodies, I'm going to rewrite the addNodeImport method...but how can I handle this three kind of node (to be registered) before import? Any suggestion? Thanks a lot!

jerosoler commented 3 years ago

If you only have 3 nodes. Register the nodes before import and voila. If not, another option is to read the export file and see which nodes are registered.

I don't understand why you are going to override the addNodeImport method.

It all also depends on the content of the node.

cage81 commented 3 years ago

If you only have 3 nodes. Register the nodes before import and voila.

If not, another option is to read the export file and see which nodes are registered.

I don't understand why you are going to override the addNodeImport method.

It all also depends on the content of the node.

jerosoler commented 3 years ago


I close the issue

cage81 commented 3 years ago

The only thing that occurs to me seeing that the word is marked is "options".

Are the nodes registered?

How are you registering the nodes?

What does the following code show you before importing?


Nodes are registered but I still have the error "Cannot read property 'options' of undefined"

It should occur at this line:

What does it should do? I have no options (empty object) when i register the nodes and empty object in the console.log(JSON.stringify(editor.noderegister));

If I save nodes without content and without connections, it works and it draw the separated nodes. When I change nodes content/connections I get the error.

I'm going crazy...

jerosoler commented 3 years ago


You code:

const options = null;
props = { title: 'Node title', nodeText: 'Write here...', nodeHasInput: true, canHaveInput: canHaveInput, canHaveOutput: canHaveOutput };
this.editor.registerNode('GenericNode', GenericNode, props, options);


this.editor.registerNode('GenericNode', GenericNode, props);

The options no is required.

Can we see your code?

jerosoler commented 3 years ago

I just checked with Vue:

This code correct:

  mounted() {

    const id = document.getElementById("drawflow");
    this.editor = new Drawflow(id, Vue);
    const props = {};
    const options = {};
    this.editor.registerNode('NodeExample', NodeExample, props, options);

This code produces your error: Node is not registered.

  mounted() {

    const id = document.getElementById("drawflow");
    this.editor = new Drawflow(id, Vue);
    const props = {};
    const options = {};
    // this.editor.registerNode('NodeExample', NodeExample, props, options);
cage81 commented 3 years ago

Take a look at next was a my mistake.

cage81 commented 3 years ago

Ok, my it was clear from the start. Sorry.

Problem was I modified the drawflow['Home'].data[nodeId].html in a piece of code.

Solving this issue, import works! It draws "empty nodes" (lets say without title, content, buttons/options)...I think I have to set properties, right?

jerosoler commented 3 years ago


It should return the painted nodes. Unless when you load them you add some content.

cage81 commented 3 years ago


It should return the painted nodes. Unless when you load them you add some content.

I'm going to override addNodeImport method because I have to set the input and output position. Then I'll set the node content too. Thank you very much Mr. Jero!

Really cool library and a great developer support by the creator!

zaqisilverano commented 3 years ago

I got same issue, I check console and the node are registered. but still same error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'options' of undefined". Do you know why?

This my code using vue typescript:

    const id = document.getElementById("pipelineCanvas");
    /* @ts-ignore */
    this.editor = new Drawflow(id, Vue);
    const props = { someProps: "some" };
    /* @ts-ignore */
    this.editor.registerNode("dataset",  BatchFileInput, props);
    setTimeout(() => {
        "drawflow": {
          "Home": {
            "data": {
              "1": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "dataset",
                "data": {},
                "class": "BatchFileInput",
                "html": "BatchFileInput",
                "typenode": "vue",
                "inputs": {},
                "outputs": {
                  "output_1": {
                    "connections": []
                "pos_x": 532,
                "pos_y": 207
          "Sub": {
            "data": {
              "1": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "dataset",
                "data": {},
                "class": "BatchFileInput",
                "html": "BatchFileInput",
                "typenode": "vue",
                "inputs": {},
                "outputs": {
                  "output_1": {
                    "connections": []
                "pos_x": 832,
                "pos_y": 207
    }, 300)