jerosoler / Drawflow

Simple flow library 🖥️🖱️
MIT License
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How do I add other things besides nodes inside the drawflow? #739

Open matheusfnl opened 11 months ago

matheusfnl commented 11 months ago

I want to add a button to the drawflow, it needs to move if I drag or zoom in the drawflow, is there a way to do that? i wish it wasn't a node, i'm using vue 2 and this button is a component, it would be great if i can use it.

Im trying to make something like this:


thanks for the library!

jerosoler commented 11 months ago

Add node with style

position:absolute; top: 124px; left: 200px;

Top for y positon and left for x

matheusfnl commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the answer! i'm facing other problem, i have this two nodes, i want to make them attached, so when i drag the "father" node, i want the "child" to be dragged too, but the opposite cannot happen, the "child" cannot be dragged with mouse.


the child node have his father id on the data, and i have a function to get a children using father id, this is the only relation between them.

Theres a way to link them the way I need?

jerosoler commented 11 months ago

Drawflow by default not allowed mutiple movement.

View for move multiple:

matheusfnl commented 11 months ago

Thank you!