jerosoler / Drawflow

Simple flow library 🖥️🖱️
MIT License
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CSS params to get rid of padding left & right? #765

Closed sklaffke closed 10 months ago

sklaffke commented 10 months ago

Hi, the library works very well in my Angular app - thank you very much for this awesome library. However I have an issue with the styling. I would like to fill the nodes entirely with the corresponding background color of the specific node type. However I have a padding left and right for the inputs and outputs which are filled with white. As you can see in my screenshot the title-box is also not filled entirely. What param do I need to change in the css? Please find below the CSS which works with my Angular app: :root { --dfBackgroundColor: #ffffff; --dfBackgroundSize: 25px; --dfBackgroundImage: linear-gradient( to right, rgba(233, 233, 233, 1) 1px, transparent 1px ), linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(233, 233, 233, 1) 1px, transparent 1px);

--dfNodeType: flex;
--dfNodeTypeFloat: none;
--dfNodeBackgroundColor: rgba(247, 247, 247, 1);
--dfNodeTextColor: #000000;
--dfNodeBorderSize: 1px;
--dfNodeBorderColor: rgba(202, 202, 202, 1);
--dfNodeBorderRadius: 2px;
--dfNodeMinHeight: 100px;
--dfNodeMinWidth: 300px;
--dfNodePaddingTop: 15px;
--dfNodePaddingBottom: 14px;
--dfNodeBoxShadowHL: 0px;
--dfNodeBoxShadowVL: 1px;
--dfNodeBoxShadowBR: 15px;
--dfNodeBoxShadowS: 1px;
--dfNodeBoxShadowColor: rgba(195, 195, 195, 1);

--dfNodeHoverBackgroundColor: rgba(247, 247, 247, 1);
--dfNodeHoverTextColor: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
--dfNodeHoverBorderSize: 1px;
--dfNodeHoverBorderColor: rgba(202, 202, 202, 1);
--dfNodeHoverBorderRadius: 3px;

--dfNodeHoverBoxShadowHL: 0px;
--dfNodeHoverBoxShadowVL: 1px;
--dfNodeHoverBoxShadowBR: 15px;
--dfNodeHoverBoxShadowS: 0px;
--dfNodeHoverBoxShadowColor: rgba(195, 195, 195, 1);

--dfNodeSelectedBackgroundColor: rgba(247, 247, 247, 1);
--dfNodeSelectedTextColor: rgba(34, 89, 140, 1);
--dfNodeSelectedBorderSize: 1px;
--dfNodeSelectedBorderColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfNodeSelectedBorderRadius: 3px;

--dfNodeSelectedBoxShadowHL: 2px;
--dfNodeSelectedBoxShadowVL: 3px;
--dfNodeSelectedBoxShadowBR: 20px;
--dfNodeSelectedBoxShadowS: 0px;
--dfNodeSelectedBoxShadowColor: rgba(94, 177, 255, 1);

--dfInputBackgroundColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
--dfInputBorderSize: 1px;
--dfInputBorderColor: rgba(200, 200, 200, 1);
--dfInputBorderRadius: 50px;
--dfInputLeft: -15px;
--dfInputHeight: 15px;
--dfInputWidth: 15px;

--dfInputHoverBackgroundColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfInputHoverBorderSize: 1px;
--dfInputHoverBorderColor: rgba(200, 200, 200, 1);
--dfInputHoverBorderRadius: 50px;

--dfOutputBackgroundColor: #ffffff;
--dfOutputBorderSize: 1px;
--dfOutputBorderColor: rgba(200, 200, 200, 1);
--dfOutputBorderRadius: 50px;
--dfOutputRight: -15px;
--dfOutputHeight: 15px;
--dfOutputWidth: 15px;

--dfOutputHoverBackgroundColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfOutputHoverBorderSize: 1px;
--dfOutputHoverBorderColor: rgba(200, 200, 200, 1);
--dfOutputHoverBorderRadius: 50px;

--dfLineWidth: 5px;
--dfLineColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfLineHoverColor: #4682b4;
--dfLineSelectedColor: rgba(67, 185, 147, 1);

--dfRerouteBorderWidth: 4px;
--dfRerouteBorderColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfRerouteBackgroundColor: #ffffff;

--dfRerouteHoverBorderWidth: 8px;
--dfRerouteHoverBorderColor: rgba(67, 185, 147, 1);
--dfRerouteHoverBackgroundColor: #ffffff;

--dfDeleteDisplay: block;
--dfDeleteColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfDeleteBackgroundColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
--dfDeleteBorderSize: 1px;
--dfDeleteBorderColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfDeleteBorderRadius: 50px;
--dfDeleteTop: -15px;

--dfDeleteHoverColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfDeleteHoverBackgroundColor: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
--dfDeleteHoverBorderSize: 1px;
--dfDeleteHoverBorderColor: rgba(78, 169, 255, 1);
--dfDeleteHoverBorderRadius: 50px;


/ Editing Drawflow / .parent-drawflow { display: flex; overflow: hidden; touch-action: none; outline:none; }

drawflow {

position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 70vh;
background: var(--dfBackgroundColor);
background-size: var(--dfBackgroundSize) var(--dfBackgroundSize);
background-image: var(--dfBackgroundImage);
user-select: none;
perspective: 0;


.drawflow .parent-node { position: relative;


.drawflow .drawflow-node { align-items: center; text-align: start; position: absolute; z-index: 2; display: var(--dfNodeType); background: var(--dfNodeBackgroundColor); color: var(--dfNodeTextColor); border: var(--dfNodeBorderSize) solid var(--dfNodeBorderColor); border-radius: var(--dfNodeBorderRadius); min-height: var(--dfNodeMinHeight); width: auto; min-width: var(--dfNodeMinWidth); padding-top: var(--dfNodePaddingTop); padding-bottom: var(--dfNodePaddingBottom); -webkit-box-shadow: var(--dfNodeBoxShadowHL) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowVL) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowBR) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowS) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowColor); box-shadow: var(--dfNodeBoxShadowHL) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowVL) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowBR) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowS) var(--dfNodeBoxShadowColor); }


jerosoler commented 10 months ago



.drawflow-node {
sklaffke commented 10 months ago

Doesn't work - I use bootstrap 5 for the page, if I use as DisplayType "block" and for the inputs and outputs the following css: .drawflow .drawflow-node .input, .drawflow .drawflow-node .output {

position: absolute;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
border-radius: 50%;
//margin-top: 50px;
cursor: crosshair;
z-index: 1;
margin-bottom: 5px;


the result looks quite ok, but I want to get the inputs and outputs in the middle image

In addition, if use this approach my condition node which has two outputs is not displayed properly

sklaffke commented 10 months ago

Finally, I got it to run: I have changed the css for the inputs and outputs and added a second css for output_2. Now I am nearly happy with the result: The css looks like this: .drawflow .drawflow-node .input, .drawflow .drawflow-node .output {

position: absolute;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
border-radius: 50%;
//top: 50px;
cursor: crosshair;
z-index: 1;
margin-bottom: 5px;


.drawflow .drawflow-node .input { left: -12px; top: 50%; background: var(--dfInputBackgroundColor); border: var(--dfInputBorderSize) solid var(--dfInputBorderColor); } .drawflow .drawflow-node .output { right: -10px; top: 50%; background: var(--dfOutputBackgroundColor); border: var(--dfOutputBorderSize) solid var(--dfOutputBorderColor); }

.drawflow .drawflow-node .output_2 { right: -10px; margin-top: 5px; top: 70%; background: var(--dfOutputBackgroundColor); border: var(--dfOutputBorderSize) solid var(--dfOutputBorderColor); }
