jerosoler / Drawflow

Simple flow library 🖥️🖱️
MIT License
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Dynamic name of node with hyperlink #820

Open loszelos opened 5 months ago

loszelos commented 5 months ago

Hello to all :-) for first, thanks for great library!!! I'm programmer beginner and I would like to use your library for make simple app for layout of workplaces of plant with hypertexts, where are infos like IP adress, devices etc...

So, I used for testing and learning your example but I'm lost. It would be super, if someone will upload more examples or make any better documentation with examples! :-)

My goal is :


RUC{number} is specific and original ID for workplace. WP{number} is name of workplace (It's not specific, just name)

I would like to dynamic create node where I can change RUC number and after that I will be possible to click on it and directing on PHP page with database.

I tried to catch after creating node it's ID and fill to the name, but I was fail. I was fail also with hypertext.

It would be also nice if is possible change sides and add on top and bottom joints for node.


And last question is where I'm able to create or change nodes as components?

After creating layout I'm able to save to database and load from database :-) It's super :-)


Thanks a lot for help :-)

jerosoler commented 4 months ago

You could update the node html like this:

Exmaple vue3