jerrellmardis / Amphitheatre

Amphitheatre is an Android TV app that connects with network shares, organizes and serves videos to any Android capable media player app.
Apache License 2.0
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Folder that access is denied breaks app #51

Open Fleker opened 9 years ago

Fleker commented 9 years ago

Let's say I have a computer with multiple drives. I only want to share one. The rest should remain inaccessible. For simplicity, I just want to add the whole IP as a source. If I do that, the app breaks.

There's a line in VideoUtils.getFilesFromDir that creates the error.

Collections.addAll(smbFiles, file.listFiles());

If the directory cannot be accessed, file.listFiles() creates an exception and breaks the whole app.

I'm currently working on a fix that will catch inaccessible directories but still allow accessible directories to be accessed.