jerryhcooke / smouldering_durtles

An attempt to keep a well-loved Android client for WaniKani alive amid changes
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[Feature request] Display both kun'yomi and on'yomi mnemonics #87

Open contang0 opened 2 weeks ago

contang0 commented 2 weeks ago

I feel that the entire vocab part is a waste of time designed to keep the subscriptions running longer. Would it be possible to display both the kun'yomi and on'yomi mnemonics? Then people wouldn't need to manually look it up among the vocab items.

Related to this, a lot of Kanjis (and sometimes radicals) have the "you already learned this reading, it is the same as radical/kanji) sentence, instead of actually showing the mnemonic. It is again a bad design on WK part and they have been asked to address this for years with no avail. I wonder whether the app could fix this issue?