jerryhouuu / Face-Yaw-Roll-Pitch-from-Pose-Estimation-using-OpenCV

This work is used for pose estimation(yaw, pitch and roll) by Face landmarks(left eye, right eye, nose, left mouth, right mouth and chin)
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Angle calculation #16

Open lghasemzadeh opened 2 years ago

lghasemzadeh commented 2 years ago


1) Would you please explain how you find the roll pitch and yaw using those x,y coordinate of the facial points? what is the formula/equation? 2) To find which access you use mouth outer corners? I understand the use of eyes outer corner and nose tip but I don't understand the use of chin and mouth. 3) How would calculate these roll pitch and yaw if you had 3D facial landmark? for example like mediapipe if you had the x,y and z coordinate of the facial points how would you calculate those angles? would the 3D give more robustness or higher accuracy? 4) how can I make the head pose estimation robust to the camera position? as you know when we change the camera position the algorithm might give wrong estimation. would you please explain how you calibrate the camera position by those world coordinate and focal length etc?

Waiting for your response. Thank you

johndpope commented 7 months ago

you can ask chatgpt these questions - it knows mediapipe - though I'm questioning if its actually accurate.

import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
from face_geometry import PCF, get_metric_landmarks

def calculate_head_rotation(image):

    # Initialize MediaPipe Face Mesh.
    mp_face_mesh =
    face_mesh = mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh(static_image_mode=True, max_num_faces=1, min_detection_confidence=0.5)

    # Convert image to RGB.
    image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    # Process the image to detect face landmarks.
    results = face_mesh.process(image_rgb)

    # Check if face landmarks are found.
    if not results.multi_face_landmarks:
        return None

    face_landmarks = results.multi_face_landmarks[0]

    # Extract landmarks for PnP.
    img_h, img_w, _ = image.shape
    landmarks = np.array([(lm.x, lm.y, lm.z) for lm in face_landmarks.landmark]).T
    pcf = PCF(near=1, far=10000, frame_height=img_h, frame_width=img_w, fy=img_w)  # Assuming square pixels.
    metric_landmarks, pose_transform_mat = get_metric_landmarks(landmarks.copy(), pcf)

    # Camera matrix and distance matrix for solvePnP.
    focal_length = img_w
    cam_matrix = np.array([[focal_length, 0, img_w / 2], [0, focal_length, img_h / 2], [0, 0, 1]])
    dist_matrix = np.zeros((4, 1), dtype=np.float64)

    # Indices of landmarks to use for PnP.
    points_idx = [33, 263, 61, 291, 199]
    model_points = metric_landmarks[0:3, points_idx].T
    image_points = landmarks[0:2, points_idx].T * np.array([img_w, img_h])[None, :]

    # Solve PnP to get rotation vector.
    success, rotation_vector, _ = cv2.solvePnP(model_points, image_points, cam_matrix, dist_matrix)

    if not success:
        return None

    # Get rotational matrix.
    rmat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rotation_vector)

    # Calculate Euler angles from rotation matrix.
    yaw = np.arctan2(rmat[1,0], rmat[0,0])
    pitch = np.arctan2(-rmat[2,0], np.sqrt(rmat[2,1]**2 + rmat[2,2]**2))
    roll = np.arctan2(rmat[2,1], rmat[2,2])

    # Convert angles to degrees.
    pitch, yaw, roll = pitch * 180 / np.pi, yaw * 180 / np.pi, roll * 180 / np.pi

    return pitch, yaw, roll

# Usage example
image_path = 'frame_0094.jpg'
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
if image is not None:
    head_rotation = calculate_head_rotation(image)
    if head_rotation:
        pitch, yaw, roll = head_rotation
        print(f'Pitch: {pitch}, Yaw: {yaw}, Roll: {roll}')