Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.
/content/AniSeg/object_detection/inference/ RuntimeWarning: Unexpected end-group tag: Not all data was converted
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 139, in <module>
File "/tensorflow-1.15.2/python3.7/tensorflow_core/python/platform/", line 40, in run
_run(main=main, argv=argv, flags_parser=_parse_flags_tolerate_undef)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/absl/", line 300, in run
_run_main(main, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/absl/", line 251, in _run_main
File "", line 85, in main
image_tensor, FLAGS.inference_graph, override_num_detections=FLAGS.override_num_detections)
File "/content/AniSeg/object_detection/inference/", line 126, in build_inference_graph
graph_def, name='', input_map={'image_tensor': image_tensor})
File "/tensorflow-1.15.2/python3.7/tensorflow_core/python/util/", line 507, in new_func
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/tensorflow-1.15.2/python3.7/tensorflow_core/python/framework/", line 405, in import_graph_def
File "/tensorflow-1.15.2/python3.7/tensorflow_core/python/framework/", line 535, in _import_graph_def_internal
', '.join(missing_unused_input_keys))
ValueError: Attempted to map inputs that were not found in graph_def: [image_tensor:0]
I'm trying to run this project in colab and getting the error listed below.
Here is an example colab to reproduce the issue:
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.