jerryn70 / GoodbyeAds

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Block `` #422

Closed ignoramous closed 9 months ago

ignoramous commented 1 year ago


Details: Not sure what purpose it serves (I couldn't find a landing page for it), but look like an anti-ad blocker? is loaded into by with this json response from its servers:

  "ver": 15,
  "doc": {
    "page": "/",
    "domain": "",
    "tags": [],
    "var": {},
    "prot": "h3",
    "type": "navigate",
    "sizes": "7u,1l8,1og,3f,76",
    "time": "0,3,m,7,1y,h1,x,r,2w,jx"
  "res": {
    "com": {
      ".mouseflow": {
        "|": "3;0n,p;128,u;3d,x;41,17;5j,14",
        ".cdn": ";;51,2",
        ".o2": ";;74,jq"
      ".cookiebot": {
        ".consent": ";;51,50",
        ".consentcdn": ";;01,2"
      ".hubspot": {
        ".api": ";;71,0",
        ".forms": ";;71,0"
      ".googletagmanager": ";;56,l",
      ".mxpnl.cdn": ";;51,0",
      ".hs-scripts.js": ";;51,1p",
      ".g2crowd.tracking": ";;51,2",
      ".google-analytics": ";;03,0",
      ".google": ";;01,10",
      ".licdn.snap": ";;52,0",
      ".usemessages.js": ";;51,t",
      ".hs-banner.js": "2;51,s",
      ".hubapi.api": ";;71,2z"
    "net": {
      ".typekit": {
        ".p": ";;31,i",
        ".use": "2;03,f"
      ".doubleclick.g.googleads": ";;52,0",
      ".facebook.connect": ";;51,0",
      ".hsadspixel.js": ";;51,3f",
      ".hs-analytics.js": ";;51,0",
      ".hsleadflows.js": ";;51,h"
    "io.acru.cdn": "2;51,2"
  "vit": ",11,,0,117",
  "ref": 0,
  "ls": ""

ChatGPT has this to say:

Based on the provided JSON, it appears to be a data payload sent by to However, without further context or information about the specific systems and applications involved, it is challenging to determine the exact purpose and meaning of each field in the JSON.

Here's a breakdown of some key fields in the JSON:

  • "ver": Represents a version number, possibly indicating the version of the data structure or protocol being used.
  • "doc": Contains information related to the document/page being tracked, including the page URL ("page"), domain ("domain"), tags, variables, protocol, type, sizes, and time.
  • "res": Contains information about various resources loaded on the page. Each resource is represented as a key-value pair, where the key is the resource name or identifier and the value contains additional information about the resource.
  • "vit": Represents a value related to "vit" or "view interaction time" with a comma-separated list of values.
  • "ref": Represents a reference value, possibly indicating a reference to another document or resource.
  • "ls": Represents an empty string value.

Without further details about the purpose and usage of this JSON payload within the Mouseflow and systems, it's difficult to provide more specific information about its intended functionality.
