jerrypnz / major-mode-hydra.el

Spacemacs-esque major mode leader key powered by Hydra
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⛔ Error (use-package): use-package: Unrecognized keyword: :pretty-hydra #53

Open nkpf42 opened 11 months ago

nkpf42 commented 11 months ago


I've got a problem loading the :pretty-hydra keyword for use-package even if I request it with :demand t. Do you have any tips for this? Thanks

(use-package hydra)
(use-package pretty-hydra
  :demand t
  :after (hydra))
jerrypnz commented 11 months ago

What version of Emacs and use-package are you using?

nkpf42 commented 11 months ago

I'm using

GNU Emacs 29.1.50
Development version 45cc57ac2586 on emacs-29 branch; build date 2023-08-21.

And I just realized that I didn't took a tag while compiling it myself. Shall I switch to stable commit and retry my setup to see if it's fixed?

And use-package is at 2.4.5

nkpf42 commented 11 months ago

Just switched to a stable emacs 29.1 version

GNU Emacs 29.1
Development version a9b28224af0f on HEAD branch; build date 2023-10-04.

Same version of use-package and bug still here

bestlem commented 11 months ago

Don't you need to load hydra by demand as well? (use-package hydra :demand) Otherwise pretty-hydra will never load

nkpf42 commented 11 months ago

It doesn't work too :/ I'm a bit at a loss here with use-package beahviour.

bestlem commented 11 months ago

What is the full use-package expression that you use that gives this error?

nkpf42 commented 11 months ago

This one

(use-package org-roam
  :after (pretty-hydra)
  :bind (("C-c n" . roam-hydra/body))
  :pretty-hydra (roam-hydra (:color teal :quit-key "q")
                   ("l" org-roam-buffer-toggle)
                   ("f" org-roam-node-find)
                   ("i" org-roam-node-insert)
                   ("c" org-roam-capture)
                   ("t" org-roam-tag-add)
                   ("j" org-roam-dailies-capture-today)
                   ("k" org-roam-dailies-capture-tomorrow)
                   ("h" org-roam-dailies-goto-yesterday)
                   ("a" org-roam-dailies-goto-today)
                   ("d" org-roam-dailies-goto-tomorrow)
jerrypnz commented 11 months ago

Without actually testing it, I wonder if it's the :after that's causing the issue for you. I'm using the same version of emacs and use-package 2.4.4 and it works fine for me.

To use :pretty-hydra, you need it loaded before any use-package with :pretty-hydra is called. In my config I have this loaded very early. I don't have a separate use-package for hydra and pretty-hydra as major-mode-hydra loads them all.

(use-package major-mode-hydra
  :straight t
  :demand t
  (("C-M-SPC" . major-mode-hydra))

    (setq major-mode-hydra-invisible-quit-key "q")
    (defun jp-major-mode-hydra-title-generator (_)
      `(with-mode-icon major-mode
                       (propertize (s-concat (format-mode-line mode-name) " Commands")
                                   'face '(:weight bold :height 1.1))

    (setq major-mode-hydra-title-generator #'jp-major-mode-hydra-title-generator)))

Try removing the :after (hydra) and make sure it's loaded before other use-package calls.

nkpf42 commented 11 months ago

So I tried to remove all after's and using only major-mode-hydra but it still doesn't work. To ensure I've got a clean state, I've uninstalled and reinstalled all of my packages but to no avail. major-mode-hydra is the 2nd package in my init.el, the first being elpaca

I've found a solution with

;; hydra

(use-package major-mode-hydra)


By placing an elpaca wait after I think it prevents elpaca from loading the rest of the file. But I thought it was use-package who was in charge of parsing this init file. I will ask them what the hell is going on

bestlem commented 10 months ago

elpaca messes around with loading things by loading asyncronouslly.

As use-package and the :pretty-hydra are in a macro you need all of those bits loaded before using them.

So you need loading of use-package (well not since 29.1 as now in emacs) and loading pretty-hydra and hydra before an elpaca-wait. Then after the elpaca-wait you can use your code

I found elpaca requires too much changing and reordering of code to easily switch to - straight.el and package.el just required a few lines except for non standard packages.