jerryscript-project / jerryscript

Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things.
Apache License 2.0
6.88k stars 666 forks source link

Stack- #5044

Closed bmphx2 closed 1 year ago

bmphx2 commented 1 year ago

First of all, when reporting a bug, give the issue a descriptive title.

In the body of the issue, optionally give a free-form text description of the bug. Give the context necessary for others to understand the problem.

Then, provide information necessary to reproduce the bug. Omit sections that are irrelevant for the bug report, but note that information like git revision, build platform, build command, and test case are required in almost all cases.

JerryScript revision

Identify the git hash(es) or tag(s) where the issue was observed.

Build platform

Name the build platform. E.g., copy the output of echo "$(lsb_release -ds) ($(uname -mrs))" (on Linux), echo "$(sw_vers -productName) $(sw_vers -productVersion) ($(uname -mrs))" (on macOS), or python -c "import platform; print(platform.platform())" (should work everywhere).

Build steps

Describe how to build JerryScript. Give all the necessary details of the build (e.g., environment variables, command(s), profile, command line options, etc.).


tools/ --clean --debug


mkdir build && cmake -H. -Bbuild && make -C build

Even if the bug was originally observed when JerryScript was integrated into a larger project, try to reproduce it with as few external code as possible, preferably by building the jerry command line tool.

Build log

Copy the build log if the reported issue is a build problem. Do a verbose build if necessary. Try and trim the log to relevant parts.

Test case

Give the JavaScript input that should be passed to the engine to trigger the bug. Try and post a reduced test case that is minimally necessary to reproduce the issue. As a rule of thumb, use Markdown's fenced code block syntax for the test case. Attach the file (renamed to .txt) if the test case contains 'problematic' bytes that cannot be copied in the bug report directly.

Execution platform

Unnecessary if the same as the build platform.

Execution steps

List the steps that trigger the bug.

E.g., if a bug is snapshot-specific:

build/bin/jerry-snapshot generate -o testcase.js.snapshot testcase.js
build/bin/jerry --exec-snapshot testcase.js.snapshot

Unnecessary if trivial (i.e., build/bin/jerry testcase.js).


Copy relevant output from the standard output and/or error channels.


In case of a crash (assertion failure, etc.), try to copy the backtrace from a debugger at the point of failure.

Expected behavior

Describe what should happen instead of current behavior. Unnecessary if trivial (e.g., in case of a crash, the trivial expected behavior is not to crash).