jes / nightdrive

Night-time driving simulation
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Add opacity from HN dev? #3

Open TPS opened 1 year ago

TPS commented 1 year ago

@jes An enterprising Hacker added opacity to the cars, as you requested, @ roughly (closest link I could find). Interested in updating repo w/ that?

jes commented 1 year ago

This works really well on the embedded version in my blog, but sadly the latest "real" version now uses additive blending to get a nicer lighting effect, so drawing a black circle over the top of stuff now does nothing.

We could maybe add a flag that makes it switch to alpha blending for the black circles, and then back to additive blending for the actual lights. I might play with this if the mood strikes me. For now the biggest part I don't like is how clunky the lane changes are.

gingerbeardman commented 1 year ago

Came here to post about drawing car bodies this way (with circles or rectangles).

Lamp posts could be done similarly by drawing tall black rectangles.