On archlinux-arm (armv7h, rpi3b), a working setup of transmission-daemon and flood running for months: using flood 4.7.0.r111.g6ff622c6-1.
transmission-daemon has been upgraded to 4.0.6-2 some time ago without issue (2024-06-30).
Now, when starting a torrent, when transmission attempts to write the first data (chunk) of the downloaded torrent to disk, it fails with an error:
transmission-daemon[2400]: open-files.cc:160 Couldn't create '/mnt/miniNAS/T�l�chargements/XXXXXXXXXX': Permission non accordée (13) (open-files.cc:160)
transmission-daemon[2400]: XXXXXXXXXX Couldn't get '/mnt/miniNAS/T�l�chargements/XXXXXXXXXX/YYYYYYYYY.mp4.part': Permission non accordée (13) (inout.cc:156)
transmission-daemon[2400]: open-files.cc:160 Couldn't create '/mnt/miniNAS/T�l�chargements/XXXXXXXXXX': Permission non accordée (13) (open-files.cc:160)
transmission-daemon[2400]: XXXXXXXXXX Couldn't get '/mnt/miniNAS/T�l�chargements/XXXXXXXXXX/YYYYYYYYY.mp4.part': Permission non accordée (13) (inout.cc:156)
One can clearly see that the download path has been mangled with a wrong encoding. the correct path is /mnt/miniNAS/Téléchargements
This never happened in the past.
This happens with all torrents, added through flood but this works fine when using transmission web UI.
This seems connected to the upgrade of node js from 22.6 to 22.7, though I am not sure this is relevant. But this is the only update, I can think of that matter
I rebuild a recent version of flood with latest commit version 4.8.2.r30.g69feefe-1 with same nodejs 22.7 version, and this is still failing.
On archlinux-arm (armv7h, rpi3b), a working setup of transmission-daemon and flood running for months: using flood 4.7.0.r111.g6ff622c6-1. transmission-daemon has been upgraded to 4.0.6-2 some time ago without issue (2024-06-30).
Now, when starting a torrent, when transmission attempts to write the first data (chunk) of the downloaded torrent to disk, it fails with an error:
One can clearly see that the download path has been mangled with a wrong encoding. the correct path is
This never happened in the past.
This happens with all torrents, added through flood but this works fine when using transmission web UI.
This seems connected to the upgrade of node js from 22.6 to 22.7, though I am not sure this is relevant. But this is the only update, I can think of that matter
I rebuild a recent version of flood with latest commit version 4.8.2.r30.g69feefe-1 with same nodejs 22.7 version, and this is still failing.