Open sujunqin123 opened 7 years ago
I have a similar problem, did you happen to resolve the issue?
To use MPU-9250, you have to set imu_type
to 7
. Here is an example of launchfile:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="imu_to_base"
args="0 0 .1 0 0 0 base_link imu_link 50" />
<node name="i2c_imu_node" pkg="i2c_imu" type="i2c_imu_node" ns="imu" output="screen">
<param name="imu_frame" value="imu_link" />
<param name="i2c_bus" value="1" />
<param name="i2c_slave_address" value="104" />
0 = Auto discover
1 = Null (used when data is provided from a remote IMU
2 = InvenSense MPU-9150
3 = STM L3GD20H + LSM303D
4 = STM L3GD20 + LSM303DLHC
7 = InvenSense MPU-9250
8 = STM L3GD20H + LSM303DLHC
9 = Bosch BMX055
10 = Bosch BNX055
<param name="imu_type" value="7" />
0 = RTFUSION_TYPE_NULL: just a dummy to keep things happy if not needed
1 = RTFUSION_TYPE_KALMANSTATE4: kalman state is the quaternion pose
2 = RTFUSION_TYPE_RTQF: RT quaternion fusion
<param name="fusion_type" value="2" />
<!-- mpu9250/gyro_accel_sample_rate: 5 - 1000 Hz -->
<param name="mpu9250/gyro_accel_sample_rate" value="80" />
<!-- mpu9250/compass_sample_rate: 1 - 100 Hz -->
<param name="mpu9250/compass_sample_rate" value="40" />
<!-- mpu9250/gyro_low_pass_filter:
0x11 - 8800Hz, 0.64mS delay
0x10 - 3600Hz, 0.11mS delay
0x00 - 250Hz, 0.97mS delay
0x01 - 184Hz, 2.9mS delay
0x02 - 92Hz, 3.9mS delay
0x03 - 41Hz, 5.9mS delay
0x04 - 20Hz, 9.9mS delay
0x05 - 10Hz, 17.85mS delay
0x06 - 5Hz, 33.48mS delay
<param name="mpu9250/gyro_low_pass_filter" value="3" />
<!-- mpu9250/accel_low_pass_filter:
0x00 - 460Hz, 1.94mS delay
0x01 - 184Hz, 5.80mS delay
0x02 - 92Hz, 7.80mS delay
0x03 - 41Hz, 11.80mS delay
0x04 - 20Hz, 19.80mS delay
0x05 - 10Hz, 35.70mS delay
0x06 - 5Hz, 66.96mS delay
<param name="mpu9250/accel_low_pass_filter" value="3" />
<!-- mpu9250/gyro_full_scale_range:
0 +/- 250 degress per second
8 +/- 500 degress per second
16 +/- 1000 degress per second
24 +/- 2000 degress per second
<param name="mpu9250/gyro_full_scale_range" value="16" />
<!-- mpu9250/accel_full_scale_range:
0 +/- 2g
8 +/- 4g
16 +/- 8g
24 +/- 16g
<param name="mpu9250/accel_full_scale_range" value="16" />
Has anyone had success with calibrating the compass/accelerometer via either the yaml or launch file?
Hi, I want to run mpu9250 in banana pi M3,I try to modify the mpu_9150.launch, as follow: <?xml version="1.0"?>
and I have detect mpu9250 in i2c bus 2 root@bpi-iot-ros-ai:/home/pi/my_ros_ws# i2cdetect -y 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 68 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
when i run: roslaunch i2c_imu mpu_9250.launch, the result as follow:
NODES /imu/ i2c_imu_node (i2c_imu/i2c_imu_node) / imu_to_base (tf/static_transform_publisher)
core service [/rosout] found process[imu_to_base-1]: started with pid [10098] process[imu/i2c_imu_node-2]: started with pid [10099] [ INFO] [1487039913.152380428]: RTIMU Node for ROS Settings file RTIMULib.ini loaded [ INFO] [1487039913.213003026]: loadSettings: reading IMU parameters from param server [ INFO] [1487039913.381746702]: No Calibration for Compass [ INFO] [1487039913.385535281]: No Calibration for Accelerometer Using fusion algorithm RTQF min/max compass calibration not in use Ellipsoid compass calibration not in use Accel calibration not in use I2C read error from 104, 15 - Failed to read LSM9DS1 accel/gyro id [FATAL] [1487039913.492664405]: I2cImu - Failed to init the IMU [FATAL] [1487039913.492860938]: BREAKPOINT HIT file = /home/pi/my_ros_ws/src/i2c_imu-master/src/i2c_imu_node.cpp line=137
How can I solve this problem? thanks