jesmet / arcane

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Day 6 #5

Open jesmet opened 6 days ago

jesmet commented 6 days ago

Day 6


  1. Create a list called vegetables with the elements: "Carrot", "Potato", "Tomato".

  2. Create another list called fruits with the elements: "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry".

  3. Combine the two lists into a new list called grocery.

  4. Print the grocery list.

  5. Sort the grocery list in alphabetical order using the appropriate list function.

  6. Print the sorted grocery list.

Farsana-ms-EC commented 2 days ago

Vegetables=["carrots","potato","tomato"] Fruits=["apple","banana","cherry"] Grocery = vegetables +fruits Print(Grocery) Grocery.sort() Print(Grocery. Sort)

FarisKRasheed commented 2 days ago

Vegetables=["carrots","potato","tomato"] Fruits=["apple","banana","cherry"] Grocery = vegetables +fruits Print(Grocery) Grocery.sort() Print(Grocery. Sort)

Hashimjr commented 2 days ago

Veg=["carrots","potato","tomato"] Fru=["apple","banana","cherry"] Grocery = Veg +Fru Print(Grocery) Grocery.sort() Print(Grocery. Sort)