Closed davehorner closed 1 year ago
I thought this was in there, but it turns out there was no direct method to do this. Have a look at the commit above to get started. This will be in the package some time soon.
tried to use this today. I cloned the latest code and verified the new methods were there. I did a pip install -e .
I now see.
client = polarion.Polarion(purl, puser, ppass)
zeep.exceptions.LookupError: No type 'PdfProperties' in namespace Available types are: {}EnumOptionId, {}Baseline, {}Folder, {}Approval, {}ArrayOfApproval, {}Attachment, {}ArrayOfAttachment, {}Category, {}ArrayOfCategory, {}ArrayOfEnumOptionId, {}Comment, {}ArrayOfComment, {}ExternallyLinkedWorkItem, {}ArrayOfExternallyLinkedWorkItem, {}Hyperlink, {}ArrayOfHyperlink, {}LinkedOslcResource, {}ArrayOfLinkedOslcResource, {}LinkedWorkItem, {}ArrayOfLinkedWorkItem, {}Custom, {}ArrayOfCustom, {}PlanningConstraint, {}ArrayOfPlanningConstraint, {}PriorityOptionId, {}TimePoint, {}WorkRecord, {}ArrayOfWorkRecord, {}WorkItem, {}FieldDiff, {}Change, {}ActivityCustomValue, {}ActivityCustomValueEntry, {}ActivityComment, {}ContextId, {}Activity, {}EnumOption, {}WorkflowAction, {}CustomField, {}CustomFieldType, {}LanguageDefinition, {}LinkedResource, {}ImportedComment, {}ModuleComment, {}ArrayOfModuleComment, {}Module, {}WikiPageAttachment, {}ArrayOfWikiPageAttachment, {}WikiPage, {}ActivitySource, {}ArrayOfPriorityOptionId, {}PriorityOpt, {}EnumCustomFieldType
zeep.exception. Maybe there are some other modifications in main that are problematic? I can wait for the next release, just wanted to give it a go. thanks.
I am also interested in getLInkedItems(), so I installed the module from the github repo and tried it. I cannot reproduce your error. Here's what I did, maybe you can try to replicate. I did this in a virtualenv to keep my system clean - make sure to source venv/bin/activate - this will change your prompt to (venv), do not proceed if not, otherwise you may break something else:
mkdir test_linked_wi
cd test_linked_wi
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install git+
I used the following simple script to test (change all MY_ labels to your needs):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from polarion import polarion
pol = polarion.Polarion("https://MY_POLARION_ADDRESS", MY_USERNAME, MY_TOKEN)
prj = pol.getProject("MY_PROJECT")
wi = prj.getWorkitem("MY_WORKITEM_ID")
for lwi in wi.getLinkedItem():
@bigblondewolf thanks for the additional detail, glad to hear it is working for you.
I didn't use virtual environments when testing, I did so now.
conda create -n myenv
conda activate --stack myenv
conda install -n myenv pip
pip install git+
Installs fine, still getting an error self.PdfProperties = self.getTypeFromService('Tracker', 'ns2:PdfProperties')
raise exceptions.LookupError(
zeep.exceptions.LookupError: No type 'PdfProperties' in namespace
Probably my environment, but I'm not sure. Looks related to Available types are displayed from the TrackerWebService-types; I did not see the pdf in the list. Maybe my server is older and doesn't include the pdf functionality?
Yes, that looks like added in the commit you mention. Your TrackerWebService probably doesn't have the PdfProperties, but I don't know whether it's version or config.
Can you go to https://\<your-polarion-server>/ws/services/TrackerWebService?wsdl and check if PdfProperties is in the list? I won't be very helpful if it is not, but you can always comment out line#174 from and check the rest of the functionality you're interested in.
thanks. I was able to get it working when I commented out the line 174 as you suggested.
the wsdl does not contain "pdf" in the entire document. would be a breaking change for those of us with no PdfProperties
Just checking in, what is your polarion version?
I also made a patch, see Can you try this and see if this resolves the issue?
checked out the origin/PDF_properties_optional branch and found that the code works without modification. thank you.
I also made a patch, see Can you try this and see if this resolves the issue?
Grammar police here, typo in comment on line#184 :)
@bigblondewolf lol nice catch.
It is working for many; but I have found myself in an exception.
Workitem not retrieved from Polarion (line 131
self._polarion_item is all None when the exception occurs.
I think there may be an issue if the work item links to other projects. this has a parent and relates to. two different projects. it is using a project that is different than the linked_item.workItemURI's specified project.
It's nice to return a WorkItem but ('link type', 'PRJ-###') would be a fine interface too.
I also made a patch, see 705337f Can you try this and see if this resolves the issue?
Grammar police here, typo in comment on line#184 :)
Will update it later.
It is working for many; but I have found myself in an exception.
Workitem not retrieved from Polarion (line 131
self._polarion_item is all None when the exception occurs.
I think there may be an issue if the work item links to other projects. this has a parent and relates to. two different projects. it is using a project that is different than the linked_item.workItemURI's specified project.
It's nice to return a WorkItem but ('link type', 'PRJ-###') would be a fine interface too.
I will also take a look at this. I will test it with links across projects but i also agree with you that the interface could not fetch them all. This can take some time for work item that have many links. Most likely I will implement both variants of this.
Last night I have a work item that was changed while doing reporting. The item was changed in a way that I don't understand. It shows a "Test Steps" field was changed in event email. The thing is, we don't use Test Steps and its not visible on the item. Strange. I know I didn't edit the edit via the web interface and it happened while I was testing.
This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.
This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.
So, i guess 2 months qualifies as 'I'll look at it later' :)
So it works just fine retrieving workitems across projects. I did add a check in to prevent that exception that you had. I'll go ahead and merge these changes discussed here to main so that is will be released at some point.
@davehorner for that email notification, I'm not to sure how to start debugging it. Added tests steps is not done the same way as other properties of a workitem so that should not occur when not changing it.
@jesper-raemaekers thank you for addressing my concern with the modification and "Test Steps" field.
Added tests steps is not done the same way as other properties of a workitem so that should not occur when not changing it.
Whatever that different way is, it changed an item. I just looked now and I think I may have another candidate, this one removed a test step. I'm not certain how to corral this issue.
Thank you for getting these features into further release. It is very handy.
Hello, Thanks for the very nice library. I am wanting to get a list of the linked items and see no way of doing so currently with python-polarion. I'm asking if this might be possible and if so some guidance on implementing such functionality? I can help with a PR if I do find a way. Thanks.