jespertheend / splix

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Time alive global leaderboard is incorrect #118

Closed jespertheend closed 1 year ago

jespertheend commented 1 year ago

Many of the entries are displayed as 00:00:00 right now. And the highest player has a time of 203:29:30, which is impossible considering that the global leaderboard has only been released for a couple of hours.

abhishek-exists commented 1 year ago

Its due to the logic miss. You are adding duration to #rankingFirstSeconds inside #incrementRankingFirstSeconds() which should be first converted to seconds, and then it should get added. If we do this, we don't have to specifically convert the time inside the #permanentlyDie() function.

Lmk if im missing some edge case over with this logic

The other approach would be to leave the above logic as it is and, inside getGlobalLeaderboardScore() convert the time again to seconds and send it back.

Happy to raise PR for this :)