jessaberry / mapnap

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SCRUM 6 #121

Open maxzhong02 opened 1 year ago

maxzhong02 commented 1 year ago

Name: Max Zhong

Past two weeks have been spent redesigning some UX changes as well as debugging mapview and ensuring that it is ready for presentation, as well as changing CSS and making sure that everything is aligned properly.

Biggest challenges were just learning how to use JSX properly and understanding how to integrate a bunch of code that I knew should work for leaflet into react-leaflet, as well as some wonky CSS things that seemed to be temperamental at times.

For the future, if this project is worked on further, a focus on connecting with Google API's would be extremely useful instead of using simply Leaflet, as a paid API with Google's functionalities would allow the user experience to be multiple times better.

ubc-ericchau commented 1 year ago

Name: Eric

Past two weeks = troubleshooting the S3 integration + media upload component. Also worked on the implementation of the memories module.

Biggest challenges = the subtle difference in the deployed ( and local environments. Needed to handle the CORS, access policies, and the maintenance of env variables.

It is a project for my passion, and I will probably completely rewrite the project from scratch. Will use a proper relational database as it will be more aligned with our use cases, and probably use fast-api as the backend and flutter as the front-end (personal preference) Could use a more of a top-down approach with proper documentation, architecture, etc. before jumping into coding. started with a semi-functional front-end first here and worked the way towards the backend seems counter intuitive, but I guess that's the full stack approach now? Will also explore more API integration.

jessaberry commented 1 year ago

name: Jessa Shi csid: u0d2b

In the past iteration, I worked on fixing bugs; having map Markers render through an array and returning the result through JSX as dynamic rendering for react-reaflet did not work for our project. I also fixed as many trip-related bugs as I could find (await the resolve of trip deletion before promising to GET trips).

The major challenge I ran into was preparing production-ready code, as one thing seemed to break whenever I fixed a different bug.

For the future, I will fix the parts that I broke from trying to fix bugs from earlier; one of these is a new user cannot do anything (like add a trip or memory) other than viewing rendered pages.