jessaberry / mapnap

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SCRUM 2 #15

Open maxzhong02 opened 1 year ago

maxzhong02 commented 1 year ago

Name: Max Zhong

Spent last couple weeks redesigning our project as our old idea would not have worked very well in a web app format. In addition to this, learned and became comfortable with react/redux, in addition to creating basic framework for using a Google Maps API with React. For the next two weeks, will continue to be working on frontend as well as creating more component diagrams and polishing up the pre-made components that other members have made in the past couple weeks. In addition to this, will continue to try and become more comfortable with React as a whole. Last two weeks were a little bit of a struggle as we had to kind of redesign our entire project, and most of the troubles came with deciding on a project that was still thematically related to our old idea, but instead implementable and useful for a different potential consumer.

parths10 commented 1 year ago

Name: Parth Sehtiya

Over the past two weeks, my team and I have been diligently working to revamp our project idea to align it more closely with the requirements of the course. As part of this effort, I took the initiative to create a design sketch and prototype for the dashboard view of our travel app.

During this time, I faced the additional challenge of adapting to different countries and time zones, as I changed locations three times. However, through effective time management and clear communication with my team, we were able to overcome these hurdles and maintain a productive workflow.

In the past week, I focused on translating the prototype into actual code using React and Redux, and seamlessly integrating it into the main application. This allowed us to bring our vision to life and create a coded visual representation of the dashboard.

Looking ahead to the next iteration, my plan is to collaborate closely with my team to implement additional functionality and establish a robust backend to support the existing frontend components. I am particularly focused on refining the codebase, enhancing the overall code design, and ensuring a polished and user-friendly experience.

jessaberry commented 1 year ago

name: Jessa Shi csid: u0d2b

On the past iteration, I worked on adding an experience (i.e. hotel booking, restaurant, activity) via react form into a redux store, including date and time, image, description, and address.

A major challenge that I ran into was working with library versioning conflicts. The version of react we are using for this project is incompatible with the datepicker from mui/material, so I spent a lot of time sifting through the mui x-date-pickers documentation to figure out what could be integrated with mui/material (what was being used for the UI of other experience components).

For the coming iteration, I plan on completing the rest of the react-redux components associated with handling an experience inside an itinerary (i.e., address checking & email checking), once the team agrees on the structure of an itinerary.

ubc-ericchau commented 1 year ago

name: Eric Chau

On the past iteration, I worked on creating the visual for the Memory feature the Material UI component . That reads from a JSON file containing data about the images (image URL, dimension, GPS location, etc.)

The major challenge is that we have interdependency across the different modules, and the data structure and hierarchy is not yet clearly defined. As such, we are all working independently and our modules do not yet work cohesively as they should. We are looking forward to fixing that by having a session to unify our UI components and data structure.

For the coming iteration, I will be completing the ER Diagram so that the team can confidently generate and exchange data across different components. I will also continue to complete the Memory section.