jessaberry / mapnap

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SCRUM 3 #25

Open jessaberry opened 1 year ago

jessaberry commented 1 year ago

name: Jessa Shi csid: u0d2b

In the past iteration, I created components related to trip and, linked it to default trip data. I also implemented navigation components and connected experiences to trips.

The major challenge I ran into was matching variable names to ones in default data; code for Experience and Trip was poorly structured, and linking initial data was difficult because of it.

For this coming iteration, I will create a component for budgeting and tie expense reports into trips as an individual. Alongside Eric, I will setup the Express API and MongoDB database for trips, experiences, and memories.

ubc-ericchau commented 1 year ago

name: Eric Chau csid: f9k2m

In the past iteration, I created the ER Diagram for the project to illustrate the relationships among the different entities in the project. I also created dummy JSON data files so that the team could work together on the same page. After that, I separated the projects into a client and a server folder for React / Redux as well as Express respectively, and merged the code and made sure everything worked. Jessa has helped to fix some variable convention so that the code worked perfectly.

Challenge: I was looking into creating a media upload component so that we could store the media files in a s3 bucket. The set up procedure was not very straightforward as many online tutorials were out of date. Also, the extraction of the exif components from the media file was not as straightforward as it initially seemed but we are confident that we will make it work.

For the coming iteration, I will focus on turning the entities into actual mongodb collections and expose those to the Express side for the front-end team to consume. I will also be helping out building out the media uploader components so that we can start uploading media files to s3 (meta data to be stored in mongodb).

maxzhong02 commented 1 year ago

name: Max Zhong

Created and aggregated information related to component diagrams, as well as continuing to research and decide on APIS to use with our project as a whole. Worked with Eric to make sure data is consistent. React and redux continued to be developed and also learned in this past period.

In terms of challenges, was extremely difficult learning how to use (and eventually give up) on Google APIS, and having to restart definitely hurts a lot. In addition, learning how to connect Express with the project has also given me a lot of headaches and requires a lot more attention and effort on my part.

Hopefully in the next session, I am able to implement most of the components to a basic extent as well as help the group with any connections with Redux via our projects. A definite goal is to get a base UI going with a consistent css style, and to choose and get a map API working.

parths10 commented 1 year ago

Name: Parth

Brainstormed with the team and had a meeting deciding on the ERD and Component diagram so everyone is on the same page. Also, looked into react components and how it could improve the current implementation of our application.

I did not face any particular challenges during this work iteration, and everything was going pretty smooth.

Next up, we will be working with MongoDB to connect a database with our application and then using that for further usage. Redux is still a little confusing sometimes and we are spending good enough time figuring out how to properly do it.