jessaberry / mapnap

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SCRUM 5 #69

Open jessaberry opened 1 year ago

maxzhong02 commented 1 year ago

Max Zhong

Worked on MapView a little bit, still a few bugs to work out but should be mostly done for now. Implemented rendering with multiple (or at least the framework.)

Struggles were trying to learn all the things that other members did, probably should have kept more up to date with what had been going on other than just in my own little world.

For the next iteration, will be final cleanup and implementation of map, as well as making everything pretty via CSS

jessaberry commented 1 year ago

name: Jessa Shi csid: u0d2b

In the past iteration, I worked on deploying the website through Render, and filtering trips by userID.

The major challenge I ran into was linking API calls to redux stores, as I used the same trip store for personal trips, public trips, and points of interest.

For this coming iteration, I will clean up bugs where all trips are called (instead of personal or public trips), and work on search by address and parseing into POI.

ubc-ericchau commented 1 year ago

name: Eric Chau

In the past iteration, I worked on impvoing the backend to support Jessa's development. I also completed the S3 integration for file upload that includes retrieving a presigned url and uploading the file. I also cleaned up the memory visual and made some cosmetic fixes.

the major challenge was s3 integration as it was not straightforward, but the most difficult part is now solved.

In the next iteration i will continue the build the tools, component and api to support the team.