jesseadams / sphinx-cookbook

Chef cookbook for Sphinx Search (searchd)
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Add way to up instances init.d #21

Closed goruha closed 11 years ago

goruha commented 11 years ago


I provide way to create init.d to start sphinx

Also there are a few fixes for sphinx from source compile For example path where to save streamer, and so on.

Also I found that adding indexes with chef does not work any more because of install path attribute that was removed.

I think we need to find way abstract install_path, and make it independent of install method (package and source).

jesseadams commented 11 years ago

@goruha - Will you please rebase this branch from master?

jesseadams commented 11 years ago

I am going to close this out and would appreciate it if you re-submitted after:

  1. Rebasing off of master
  2. Writing tests for your code
  3. Ensuring the existing tests pass

Thank you!