After some initial benchmarking (#140), doing the general point-radius based calls to CircleAverageMateialProperty and CircleMaxOriginalElementSize from a GeneralUserObject can take a long time on big meshes (lots of elements). I think this is because the loop over all elements is not running in parallel.
Have CircleAverageMaterialProperty grab from both the old event list and upcoming event list and combine them so when EventInserter needs an initial sigma value on a new old event, it is already available. EventInserter will need to be changed to just call the inserter-point interface. Then update the examples because only a single CircleAverageMaterialProperty object will be needed.
After some initial benchmarking (#140), doing the general point-radius based calls to CircleAverageMateialProperty and CircleMaxOriginalElementSize from a GeneralUserObject can take a long time on big meshes (lots of elements). I think this is because the loop over all elements is not running in parallel.
Solution: Have CircleAverageMaterialProperty grab from both the old event list and upcoming event list and combine them so when EventInserter needs an initial sigma value on a new old event, it is already available. EventInserter will need to be changed to just call the inserter-point interface. Then update the examples because only a single CircleAverageMaterialProperty object will be needed.