jessedc / JCTiledScrollView

A set of classes that wrap UIScrollView and CATiledLayer. It aims to simplify displaying large images and PDFs at multiple zoom scales.
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Some question about JCTiledScrollView #7

Closed wenwuwang closed 12 years ago

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

Hi, I'm Jerry I have sended you a tweet yestoday. My question as follows:

  1. I know that you have developed a number of series Metro app, I would like to know, Metro map is tiled a bitmap images or a single PDF page?
  2. There will show a circular mark when I click on your subway map, how do you know the current point is a subway station?
  3. Is there better method to get the latitude and longitude of each subway station, do you obtain these data through the Google Map Open Api?
jessedc commented 12 years ago

Hi Jerry,

I've found for complex metro maps tiled Bitmap images perform a lot better than PDFs, so I use Bitmaps.

The position of annotations on my maps, and the geolocations of the stations are gathered manually and stored on the device.

I hope that helps!

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

Thank you very much for your quick answer Do you mean I need to remember the pixel coordinate of each subway station on the map? in addition, your demo use totals 4 sets of tiles,do I need to prepare four different sizes of metro map, and then tile it?

jessedc commented 12 years ago

Yes, you'll need to remember each station's position on the map, unless you can come up with something more sophisticated than what I do ;)

Regarding the map/image you want to tile - decide it's minimum size in pixels (@1x), then export the largest size (@8x) and then resize it to 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25% then tile each image.

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

yeah, Thanks a lot! For example, I have a @8x image, how do you export small size images? do you use photoshop? how do you to tile image?

jessedc commented 12 years ago

At the moment I use a tool I modified myself -> but I know PhotoShop can do similar automation, it's just not my thing.

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

Ok, i will try to use this handy tool. I found in the metro map i select a starting point and an end point, then it will label each point dynamically on the route, the NStimer can implement this feature?The second question is what metro route transfer algorithm do you use? A* algorithm?

jessedc commented 12 years ago

Dijkstra or A* are the normal route calculation methods, yeah, and as far as animating the addition of annotations - you can do that in many ways, NSTimer being one of them, I"ll leave that to you ;)

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

Ok, Thanks for your answer a lot:)

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

I find i can tab metro map for three times in your Seoul City Metro app, whether you use three size images in your app or not?in addition, i zoom in the image with two fingers, the image is still clear, this is system feature?

jessedc commented 12 years ago

The production versions of my apps are not using JCTiledScrollView, they use a different method of tiling/zooming. For best results you should use a total of four sets of tiles.

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

Can you tell which method tiling/zooming do you use?Where have some resources to refer? I want to know the difference between JCTiledScrollView and this method.

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

If i use JCTiledScrollView to load and display map images, should i prepare four different size images?

jessedc commented 12 years ago
wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

yeah, thanks. I will check out these videos.

wenwuwang commented 12 years ago

I know you have a presentation on CATiledLayer at the first Melbourne Cocoaheads 0f 2012, can give me a video link of the presentation?

jessedc commented 12 years ago

As soon as the video is published I'll add it to the links. In the mean time the presentation notes are already included in the project

jessedc commented 12 years ago

Just to finalise this, the video has been posted on Vimeo ;)

maddy04 commented 8 years ago

Hi I'm maddy, I am lookoing for similar app in Anadroid. Do you have any reference in android for the same(Metro app).