jessedoyle / prawn-icon

Easy icons for Prawn.
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Two icons in the same table cell #13

Closed vanboom closed 8 years ago

vanboom commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to place two icons in the same table cell?

Wow - what a great gem! Thanks so much!

jessedoyle commented 8 years ago

@vanboom : Thanks for the feedback!

Currently, there is no easy solution for putting more than a single icon into a table cell. This may be due to a deficiency in Prawn::Table. For example, is it possible to place 2 or more images into a single table cell? Or switch fonts within a single cell? Honestly, I don't use Prawn::Table very often so I'll have to look into it and figure out a solution.

In the meantime, it is somewhat possible to achieve a similar effect using subtables:

icons = [
    pdf.table_icon('fa-user', align: :center),
    "SubCell 1",
    "SubCell 2",
    pdf.table_icon('fa-birthday-cake', align: :center)

data = [
  ['Cell 1', 'Cell 2'],
  [icons, 'Cell 4']


Be warned that it is very easy to raise a Prawn::Errors::CannotFit exception using the above code (also I think the above code looks terrible).

Anyways, I'll take a look in the next couple of days and see if I can come up with a straightforward solution.

jessedoyle commented 8 years ago

@vanboom : If inline-formatting for the table_icon method was to be implemented, would your use-case be satisfied?

For example:

data = [
  ['1', '2'],
  [pdf.table_icon('<icon>fa-user</icon> Any Text Here... <icon>fa-cloud</icon>', inline_format: true), '4']


Currently the above code will raise an exception, but I believe it's fairly straightforward to implement.

There are caveats to inline-formatting though - you generally give up fine grained control over the location of the icon (valign, etc.) as icons are unable to move independently of the text block.

jessedoyle commented 8 years ago

I went ahead and implemented the functionality above. This should allow for a straightforward mechanism to create multiple icons within a table cell. Please update to v0.7.0 to gain this functionality.

You can see an example of the syntax here.