jesseduffield / horcrux

Split your file into encrypted fragments so that you don't need to remember a passcode
MIT License
4.53k stars 116 forks source link

Add Project Alternative - Haystack #18

Closed henrysdev closed 3 years ago

henrysdev commented 3 years ago

Great project! I implemented something quite similar a few years back that I think is worth mentioning as an alternative.

The project (dubbed "Haystack") is an Elixir implementation of a file fragmentation algorithm I created. I discuss the algorithm in detail in a write-up on my website here. The project repository can be found here

Haystack's use case and feature set is very similar - it is a CLI tool for fragmenting a file into N encrypted, indistinguishable pieces (for the purpose of distributing them to accomplish file security). You fragment the file by specifing the number of shards you would like as well as a password. You reassemble the file by placing all the shards in a single directory and running the reassemble command and supplying the password. The password is an additional security step. Very cool that you went with an approach that's both passwordless and threshold-based though, very convenient!

Awesome work!

jesseduffield commented 3 years ago

great minds think alike! merging