jesseduffield / lazygit

simple terminal UI for git commands
MIT License
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lazygit not using delta"s colors #3096

Open xeros-and-ones opened 8 months ago

xeros-and-ones commented 8 months ago

Lazygit suddenly not respecting or using delta's colours

this is how delta looks like in the terminal as a pager: Screenshot_20231028_092740

And this is how delta looks in lazygit: Screenshot_20231028_092838

commit=v0.40.2, build source=binaryRelease, version=0.40.2, os=linux, arch=amd64, git version=2.42.0

Here's My config: lazygit ▼▼▼▼

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
  expandFocusedSidePanel: true
  nerdFontsVersion: '3'
  border: 'rounded'
      - black
      - bold
      - green
      - bold
    colorArg: always
    pager: delta --dark --paging=never

git ▼▼▼▼

    editor = nvim
    pager = delta
    diffFilter = delta --color-only
    navigate = true    # use n and N to move between diff sections
    light = false      # set to true if you're in a terminal w/ a light background color (e.g. the default macOS terminal)
    side-by-side = false
    line-numbers = true
    syntax-theme = gruvbox-dark
    conflictstyle = diff3
    colorMoved = default
HoffsMH commented 1 month ago

Did you ever resolve this?

xyven1 commented 1 month ago

Also seeing this issue, using the Visual Studio Dark+ theme.