Open dschust-r opened 2 years ago
Wow this software looks awesome. I haven't used it but we have some projects where this might help and I will definitely check it out. Also awesome that it can work for automated QC. Thanks for starting a discussion on this!
AlphaPept, a modern and open framework for MS-based proteomics
Link to the paper:
Citation in manubot format: [@DOI:10.1101/2021.07.23.453379]
Preprint from the lab of Matthias Mann. They developed a python-based software with GUI for fast analysis of large data sets, easily implementable for workflow management and quality control.
I installed the software (GUI version) and tested it on a few QC runs. It is fast in analyzing the data, only needs a path to a folder with raw files and the FASTA file to use for the search. It can also be used with a FileWatcher option, that continuously checks for new files and analyzes them automatically the same way as the other files in the folder. The graphs are easy to compare. All around a good software for quality control, in my opinion.
Has anyone else tried AlphaPept so far? Any opinions?