jessek / hashdeep

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Audit mode and deduplicated files #386

Open felciano opened 5 years ago

felciano commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to configure hashdeep in audit mode to treat file duplicates differently than missing files? In particular, if hashdeep can confirm that a copy of the file is still found, mark it as something other than "Missing". Here's the scenario I'm trying to work through:


All the files have identical contents and hashes. When running an audit of the destination directory against a hash file from the originals directory, the audit log will correctly indicate that photoA.jpg was "moved" to myphoto.jpg, but will then indicate that photoA-1.jpg and photoA-2.jpg are "missing".

I understand the logic, but it seems that in some cases you would want to be able to say that both photoA-1.jpg and photoA-2.jpg were "moved" to myphoto.jpg, as would be the case if you were trying to deduplicate files. Is there a straightforward way to get audit to ignore or somehow flag these cases a different from a truly missing file?