jessek / hashdeep

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clarification about the output of hashdeep audit mode #408

Open meeotch opened 2 years ago

meeotch commented 2 years ago

'm trying to understand the output of hashdeep's audit mode. I performed this test (on Ubuntu, and also Windows/cygwin both hashdeep v4.4), via :

The output is as follows:

hashtest/changed.txt: No match
hashtest/new.txt: No match
hashtest/changed.txt: Known file not used
hashtest/old.txt: Known file not used
hashdeep: Audit failed
   Input files examined: 0
   Known files expecting: 0
   Files matched: 0
   Files partially matched: 0
   Files moved: 0
   New files found: 2
   Known files not found: 2

Here are my questions/assumptions:

It appears that new files get "No match", deleted files get "Known file not used", and changed files get both. This requires some grepping of the logs to find changed files, which seems weird to me. If filenames are indeed considered, I'd think there'd be a "Changed files" output line.

Can someone set me straight?