jessek / hashdeep

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Hashdeep is idling and doing nothing. What's wrong? #413

Open anohren opened 1 year ago

anohren commented 1 year ago

I installed hashdeep using Homebrew on macOS Monterey, and I run the command below to scan a home directory on an APFS volume. All four CPU cores become 100% busy, hashdeep reads a total of 1.7 GB of data (there's ~90 GB in the directory), and then all CPU and disk utilization stops. There's no more output than the following:

% sudo hashdeep -c md5 -r -l ./andreas > ~/Desktop/hashdeep-andreas.txt
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/os/mac/pkgconfig/fuse/osxfuse.pc: No such file or directory
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/os/mac/pkgconfig/fuse/fuse.pc: No such file or directory
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib: No such file or directory
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/lib/libhunspell-1.2.0.dylib: No such file or directory
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/lib/libiodbc.2.dylib: No such file or directory
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/lib/libiodbcinst.2.dylib: No such file or directory
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/X11: No such file or directory
./andreas/.wine/dosdevices/z:/usr/X11R6: No such file or directory

Why isn't the program doing anything, outputting anything, or returning? Did I use the options incorrectly?

anohren commented 1 year ago

Tried it again but with -o f which finished successfully. Not sure what went wrong though. Infinite recursion should've made itself known.