jessemillar / dotfiles

A collection of the dotfiles that keep my workstations humming
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Simplify Visual Studio Code syncing #12

Closed jessemillar closed 4 years ago

jessemillar commented 5 years ago

I want to sync my settings, my extensions, and my extension settings. That's working currently but does so by committing all extensions (and their source code) to this repo which is overkill and results in bloated commits. I'd prefer using an extension that allows me to generate a manifest of my extensions and settings and sync only the manifest to the repo. The catch is that I don't want to give up the ease of simply symlinking a directory and having things work (e.g. I don't want to use this extension that creates a GitHub gist of your setup because that puts my configurations outside of this repo and involves manual configuration steps when setting up a new machine.

jessemillar commented 4 years ago

Gave in to the extension. Bleh but also done.