jesserizzo / envoy_reader

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Envoy Software version D5.0.34 data error #14

Closed pchevali closed 4 years ago

pchevali commented 4 years ago


I have an envoy that was working fine with HA until june. Now I have errors like this "Got a response from 'http://envoy/production.json', but metric could not be found. Maybe your model of Envoy doesn't support the requested metric."

The command : curl 'http://envoy/production.json' Gives : {"production":[{"type":"inverters","activeCount":1,"readingTime":1572524639,"wNow":117,"whLifetime":482485}],"storage":[{"type":"acb","activeCount":0,"readingTime":0,"wNow":0,"whNow":0,"state":"idle"}]}

And as the error states, there is not the requested metric for example in the code:


There is only 1 element in the production array, and it doesn't contain the wNow attribute.

So it seems that either there is an upgrade of the Json format since a recent enphase upgrade either there is something wrong with my setup.

Is this library valid for this software version ? My model seems to be an S version, it is identified in the code by "PC", maybe the "/api/v1/production" endpoint is the right place to look for the production data now ?

rct commented 4 years ago

A data point, my Envoy IQ (different/newer? model than the s) is running D5.0.34. /production.json still gives me the two element production array that looks like what others have posted. Element index 0 contains the data from the inverters, Element index 1 has the data from the meters (CTs).

Did anything change w.r.t the metering setup of your envoy?

On my system, wattsNow from /api/vi/production gives the same value as production[0].wNow.

(I actually had to change a local copy of the code to use production[0].wNow because the metering isn't setup correctly on my envoy for a couple of reasons.)

pchevali commented 4 years ago


I have read somewhere, that the cause may be that I don't have a metered "S" device. And thus the "eim" section containing the production data is not present. The /api/v1/production works correctly. Maybe if the content of the production.json api request doesn't contain the eim section we could rollback to the api/v1/production endpoint.

I didn't changed anything to my setup since the intallation, so maybe a recent upgrade triggered this incompatibility.

gtdiehl commented 4 years ago

I've been writing some unit tests using pytest and ran into this issue. It appears the current code for retrieving production information is grabbing details from the eim section (CT) of json.

I would propose changing to production = raw_json["production"][0]["wNow"]

As there are two versions of the Envoy-S, a standard model that does not have the eim section and one that has metering capabilities which has the eim section. Both models will have the inverters section in the json output.

gtdiehl commented 4 years ago

In the PR #20 @jesserizzo mentioned that the eim wNow will update sooner than the inverter wNow.

I'll try to make a change where if the retrieval of the eim wNow fails fallback to the inverter wNow.

gtdiehl commented 4 years ago

I've updated the production() in PR #20 in the envoy_reader library to retrieve wNow data from the inverters using production = raw_json["production"][0]["wNow"] if the eim wNow data from production = raw_json["production"][1]["wNow"] is not available