jesseweed / seti-syntax

A subtle dark colored theme for Atom.
MIT License
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seti-syntax package breaks apm upgrade mechanism #145

Closed bennyadam closed 7 years ago

bennyadam commented 7 years ago

Hey there, just switched to seti-syntax today and got to say: It's really really great. However, after the installation I recognized, that I wasn't able to use the apm upgrade command anymore as it simply returns undefined.

Tracked it down to the seti-syntax package:

~ $ apm upgrade
~ $ apm deinstall seti-syntax
Uninstalling seti-syntax ✓
~ $ apm upgrade
Package Updates Available (0)
└── (empty)
~ $
~ $
~ $ apm --version
apm  1.15.3
npm  3.10.5
node 4.4.5 x64
python 2.7.10
git 2.8.4

Just wanted to be sure to report this in case anyone else is encountering this problem. Additionally, if you need any further information, don't hesitate to ask!

pjenx commented 7 years ago

+1 I came here to report the same issue; updated to most recent version of seti-syntax and experienced the same problem. Right after seti-syntax update: Settings>Update and "apm upgrade" both return undefined. I also noticed that after the broken update, seti-syntax no longer shows up in the Syntax Theme dropdown or under Installed Themes, and thus can't be uninstalled through the gui. It's directories however still exist in the config folder. Thanks, OClyde for the solution above using apm. Seems odd to me that an installed package can break a core function of atom (especially a style-related package), but seems to be the case here.

jriesen commented 7 years ago

This same problem is referenced in

I tried turning off Dynamic Theme (basically the only useful configuration option) but it didn't do anything; I think it's a problem with the theme itself.

I reverted to version 1.0.1 and it seems to work properly: apm install seti-syntax@1.0.1

Version 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 do have the problem. APM says version 1.1.0 does not exist.

joaufi commented 7 years ago

atom/apm #620 is the issue thread on apm for this same problem. (Well, the hijacked thread for it anyway! Initial issue was posted much earlier as per @50Wliu )

claylevering commented 7 years ago

Just leaving a note after finding the same issue, thank you to @jriesen for the workaround which is functioning great!

itsnotvalid commented 7 years ago

The strange case for seti-syntax is that, even the version in package index is in the form of git package.

faddah commented 7 years ago


Can this please re-opened, @jesseweed, please? I am seeing the exact same thing with both seti-ui and seti-syntax installed, and I especially like using seti-syntax.

my set-up is:

Mac OS v10.12.4 Atom v1.16.0

and from apm version on the command line —

$ apm --version
apm  1.16.1
npm  3.10.5
node 6.9.5 x64
python 2.7.10
git 2.11.0

withseti-uiandseti-syntaxinstalled, either from within Atom > Settings > Updates or from the command line withapm update`, i get —

$ apm update

... everytime. the moment i remove seti-uiandseti-syntax`, updates, both from within the Atom editor app and from the command line, work fine.

can this please be updated so that all your seti theme packages work with the apm update in the current Atom 1.16.0, please?

i will also put this over in jesseweed/seti-ui#381 , which is the same issue for seti-ui.


— faddah portland, oregon, u.s.a.

jriesen commented 7 years ago

FYI, I think there's something peculiar with your setup -- I am also running OSX 10.12.4 and Atom 1.16.0, using seti-ui and seti-syntax, and this problem was resolved for me back in early March. I am running seti-ui@1.7.0 and seti-syntax@1.1.3, which are the latest versions. Checking for updates both in Atom and at the command line with apm update work fine for me.

faddah commented 7 years ago

@jriesen @jesseweed - ok, i did what you said and that is working for me now, with the new seti-ui@1.7.0 & seti-syntax@1.1.3 running now and, after restart, Atom editor updates working fine. so ok to leave it closed, but I would suggest adding to your with notes that if they had the earlier versions and are running into the update problem —

  1. delete old versions of seti-ui & seti-syntax from Atom themes
  2. restart Atom
  3. install the latest seti-ui@1.7.0 & seti-syntax@1.1.3 in Atom > Settings > Install
  4. restart Atom & test Atom > Settings > Updates to make sure it working o.k.

That is my suggestion for the here. I will also post this in jesseweed/seti-ui#381.


— faddah portland, oregon, u.s.a.

ghost commented 3 years ago

NS configuration