Closed akkroopierrebaron closed 8 years ago
I haven't seen any action on this in a while, and cannot reproduce to closing this out.
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
Atom Version: 1.10.2 Electron Version: 0.37.8 System: Mac OS X 10.11.6 Thrown From: seti-ui package, v1.3.2
Failed to activate the seti-ui theme
At '_fonts/roboto.less' wasn't found in /Users/tholah/.atom/packages/seti-ui/index.less:4:0
LessError: '_fonts/roboto.less' wasn't found
at /Users/tholah/.atom/packages/seti-ui/index.less:4:0
-0:35 settings-view:open (
7x -0:34.1.0 blur (
-0:22.7.0 core:select-all (
-0:19.9.0 core:confirm (
5x -0:16.2.0 blur (
"seti-ui": {
"themeColor": "Steel"
# User
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# Dev
No dev packages
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
Atom Version: 0.207.0 System: Mac OS X 10.10.3 Thrown From: seti-ui package, v0.7.1
Stack Trace
Failed to activate the seti-ui theme
Installed Packages