jesseweed / seti-ui

A subtle dark colored UI theme for Atom.
MIT License
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Some glyphs broken in font file #663

Open Finii opened 1 year ago

Finii commented 1 year ago

While the svgs render ok, some of them have issues when used in a ttf or other open type font.

Have a look at the marked glyphs / icons. They all should have some 'holes' in the glyph, but it is missing. (Well, the react has a black dot in the middle that is missing.)


Obvious problems in code-search go puppet react reasonml zip

Some more glyphs have less obvious problems and/or multiple layers, that could lead to problems when the font is used on Windows. Probably the svgs should be hand-simplified down to being only one path (and not multiple paths, let alone on multiple layers), before importing into the font.

(Came up with and around that, while updating the Seti icons in Nerd Font)

Finii commented 1 year ago

Counterexample, same icons 'fixed':
