jesseweisberg / moveo_ros

ROS packages and Arduino scripts that can be used to control the BCN3D Moveo robotic arm in simulation and real-life.
MIT License
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Moveit reporting success but robot not moving #28

Open johnnymakk opened 4 years ago

johnnymakk commented 4 years ago

I can run moveit and /joint_state echo looks OK but real robot isn't moving. /joint_state_feedback is slow and doesn't reflect all the data, but is finisheing with the final state I think this might be similar to issue #11 The robot moves fine using pronterface on PC with original moveo sketch. But can't get it moving with moveo_ros. I don't have endstop jumpers. Using DRV8825 but also had same issue with TB6550. Any suggestion much appreciated

arnolvalencia1 commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem, I use TB6560 - TB6600, the caliper moves but the other motors do not